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[[preprinted]] November,  THURSDAY, 18.  1897. [[/preprinted]]

Tempt +42 and Barometer 28.84 @ 73/a

"[[ditto for: Tempt]] +44 "   "[[ditto for: and Barometer]] 28.77 @ 6 Pm

Pleasant all day -

Vulcan worked 9 hours - no coal
B Mtn  "[[ditto for:worked]] 9 "  "   " [[ditto for: 9 hours - no coal]]

The new nest of Boilers at Buck Mountain is nearly completed - Are fitting up boilers-

The #3 Well at Buck Mountain will soon be completed - Pipe line is almost completed - 
Mason work for the Pump is finished and the Pump is now being erected - Making Barrel
and Rods arrived to-day -

Received 24 new mine cars at Buck Mountain this week, from the Bloomsburg Car Mfg Co.
at 60[[underlined]]00[[/underlined]] each delivered -

Mr. Jones hired Daniel Breda to-day, for Loader Boss at Buck Mountain -

Ed Gallagher, Miner, hurt Buck Mountain about noon - working breast 2nd West B
Vein was barring down top coal - fell on him - back hurt - legs may be broken -
Boards at Buck Mountain - notified Stein -

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[[start page]]

[[preprinted]] November,  FRIDAY, 19.  1897. [[/preprinted]]

Tempt + 38[[degree symbol]] and Barometer 28.66 @ 73/a

" [[ditto for: Tempt]] + 36[[degree symbol]] '  '[[ditto for: and Barometer]] 28.50 @ 6 Pm

Pleasant all day - May rain tonight

Vulcan worked 10 hours, Buck Mountain 9 - no coal

Mr Jones ordered 50 more mine cars to-day from Bloomsburg - for Vulcan & Buck Mountain - Received 24 new cars at BMtn this week -

L.V.& Co representative was here to-day for turnage, and mine cars hoisted - Called at the Collieries yesterday to find out the improvements made during their fiscal year - to make out their annual report -