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November,                 Monday, 22,             1897
Tempt +36 and Barometer 28.44 @ 73/a
  "   +35° "       "    28.34 @ 6 Pm
Pleasant all day -

Buck Mountain Colliery worked   hours
Vulcan            "      "      hours

We have trouble every Monday at both Collieries
with our miners not being out to work - At
Vulcan we discharged several miners for this
offense, and at Buck Mountain we suspended several
for one week -

Overlying veins in the #4 Tunnel at Buck Mountain Colly
are being opened up - Costly - At Vulcan we are
getting about 80% from overlying veins - At Buck Mountain
about 20% - At Buck Mountain this will increase
from now on - while at Vulcan it will decrease, as we
are working the 3 West Buck Mountain Vein, (started about
two months ago) 5th lift at Buck Mountain is pretty well opened
up - Getting about 10 cars day from there - This at present
is costing a great deal of money -

November,                Tuesday, 23,               1897
Tempt +22° and Barometer 28.27 @ 73/a
  "   +24°  "     "      28.27 @ 6 Pm
Snowed last night - About 1/2" of soft snow covered
evering this morning - sun did not take half of it
away - cool all day -

Vulcan Colliery worked 10 hours - steam is low
Buck Mountain     "     9   "   - no coal -

Masons will start at Vulcan on Monday, to
build foundation for another nest of boilers -

We are now getting about 70 cars per day from the
1st Lift at Buck Mountain, 30 to 40 from the
2nd , 100 to 140 from the third, and 9 to 12 from the
5th lift -
At Vulcan we are getting 50 to 60 from 1st Lift,
about 300 from the 2nd Lift and 30 to 50 from the
3rd Lift -