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December                     Thursday, 2,        1897
Tempt +24° and Barometer 28.75 @ 73/a
  "   +26°  "      "     28.84 @ 6 Pm
Pleasant - sun shining now and again -

Vulcan worked 10 hours
BM       "     9   "   - no coal

Harry Lattimore was at home sick to-day -

John Singleton, fire boss at Vulcan, was
discharged, for neglecting his work -

Paddy [[Friebl]] shall take his place -

Are receiving complaints of B Mtn Colliery's coals,
as being dirty - Mr Jones is and has been looking
into this evil -

December,                 Friday, 3,           1897
Tempt +30° and Barometer 28.83 @ 73/a
  "   +28°  "      "     28.72 @ 6 Pm
Snowing this morning - merely covered ground -

Buck Mountain Colliery worked 9 hours -
Vulcan           "        "   9   "
Mr. Jones instructed both Collieries to work 9 hours
here after, until further notified -

L.V. informed us that they will not work on
Saturday & Monday Dec. 4 & 6th [[??]], but will
resume on Tuesday, with a different allotment. Do not
know at present what the allotment will be -

Very short of steam at Vulcan - are rushing new
nest of boilers - Nest of new boilers at Buck Mountain
Colliery is fired up - since last Sunday a
week, Sunday 28th [??]] -

#3 Artesian well at BMtn will soon be able to
start - Boilers are being connected - House around
pump is nearly completed - Derrick is about completed

Masons have finished mason work for new nest
of boilers at Vulcan -