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[[preprinted]] December, SUNDAY, 26. 1897. [[preprinted]]

Cool - snowing at times -

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[[preprinted]] December, MONDAY, 27. 1897. [[preprinted]]

Tempt +20[[degree symbol]] and Barometer 28.34 @ 73/a

" [[ditto for: Tempt]] +22[[degree symbol]]" " [[ditto for: and Barometer]] 28.45 @  6 Pm

Snow still on ground - snowing now and again all day - Not enough for sleighing -

Both Collieries worked 8 hours -

Mr. Schumacher, who has charge, inside foreman at Buck Mountain Colliery, while Evans is at home sick, is doing good work - Everyday, since "Powell" left, the average cars per hour, coal, has never been below 40 -

The timbers [[strikethrough]] was [[/strikethrough]] are stood, at place the tunnel on the 3' Lift at Vulcan, B Vein to Bottom [[strikethrough]] split [[/strikethrough]] slate of E Vein top split,^[[is to be started]] - and the bids are closed - Contract has not been given out yet - Have 19 bids - Tunnel will be directly under the 2nd Lift tunnel -

Stock account is being taken at the Collieries -

"Phillips", representing the Chesters Wire Cloth Co. called to-day - Chas Weldy called this Pm -