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[[preprinted]] December, TUESDAY, 28. 1897. [[preprinted]]

Tempt +20[[degree symbol]] and Barometer 28.73 @ 73/a

" [[ditto for: Tempt]] +22[[degree symbol]]" " [[ditto for: and Barometer]] 28.70 @ 6 Pm

Pleasant, but cold -

Both Collieries idle - L.V. not running cars -
General repairing going on -

Breast #24 in the west, 2 Lift, E Vein, Bottom split, at Vulcan Colliery, caved in last night - This breast is driven up in ravine, last of the mouth of the water level tunnel - took down the bed of the stream there - and blocked the breast up, with stuff, 60 feet from gangway - Only a light brattice held it - put in a battery - sent man at once to turn the water off outside - Breast was driven up too far - is up 275 feet - should have stopped it a 250 feet -

Elmer working at Inventory - started to-day in office - 

Geo Young has been given leave of absence for a few days -

Few weeks ago we had tests made of our coals at Perth Amboy - All the coals were found [[strikethrough]] accep [[/strikethrough]] within the limit but B Mtn Colly's Egg, which was [[strikethrough]] in [[/strikethrough]] excessive -

Posted notices at Collieries to-day, that we would pay on Friday 31st, from 1030 to  1 Pm.

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[[preprinted]] December, WEDNESDAY, 29. 1897. [[preprinted]]

Tempt +16 and Barometer 28.63 @ 73/a
" [[ditto for: Tempt]] +   ' ' [[ditto for: and Barometer]] 28.26 @ 6 Pm

Pleasant - snow covers ground still - snowing & blowing 8 Pm

Both Collieries worked 8 hours -

To-day is the last the L.V. sill run cars this year -

[[Reprepaid?]] and 1 gon of condemned at each Colliery today -