Viewing page 191 of 203

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Date        Cash Account..JUNE.                           Rec'd.      Paid.

[[wavy underline]]
       "Memoranda" acct of new machinery etc --

Buck Mountain
[[/wavy underline]] 
1/97   12 New Mine Cards (Bloomsburg) @65 delivered       780.00     780.00
                                      [[check mark]]
             60.    30.              45 Liberty St.
1/97   1 Sheers & Punch (Chas.G. Eckstein & Co) NY         90.00
                                 Less 10%                   9.00      81.00
              [[underlined 10 % and amount due]]           81.00
1/97   1 Car Rails 15 tons @ 23.75  (30) lb)(114)                   359.22
1/29   2 Boilers lengthened 42' complete                  265.70            [[Curly Bracket begins]]
                         [[penciled in 'no' here]]
                            Freight                        14.40     280.10 
                            Freight on old boilers                    19.60 [[Curly Bracket ends]]
March  1 Locomotive (3rd West)(Wales)[[check mark]]       800.00  
 12        Harry Lattimore's expense to see it             25.00
           Injector for same -- - E - E -                  40.60
           Freight on Locomotive                           45.60     911.20
May    Car Rails 30 (112)(15-200) @ 23.75                 343.53     343.53
June   2 sets Relief Valves #1&2 Engines (E&E)                        80.00
July   40 old 40 lbs Rails Dalliet & Co 
                         31160 lbs @ 17.9 delv.                  236.03
"      See Compressed Air Loco account other book    
       See Fan Draft Plant  account other book
Aug    1-9 x 12 Erie City Hor Engine B Mtn shop
                      Thos P Conrad Phila                            140.00
Aug    112-30'-30' Rails 14-18-2-0 tons @22.75 (Bethlehem)           339.54
               Freight                                                15.00
Aug    1/2 of 2 new Carriges                                         160.00
Nov    24 New Mine Cars @60- (Bloomsburg)                           1440.00
Nov    New Pump 24X10 36 Goyne (Less old one(200) not deducted      1100
Nov    Artesian Well plant see other book

[[End page]]
[[Start page]]
Date        Cash Account..JULY.                           Rec'd.      Paid.

[[wavy underline]]
       Memoranda a/c of New Machinery etc --

[[/wavy underline]] 
                       1 stove-  2-Nut
1/18/97  3 Christ Jigs @ 450 each delivered [[chk mark]]  1350.00    1350.00
1/30     1600 feet 1 5/8" Hoisting Rope @38.40             614.40     614.40
2/30     15 Tons Rails @ 23.75 (114)                       359.22     359.22
3/30     new Condenser for Breaker Pump                     60.00      60.00
                    [[penciled in 'no' on above line]]
         [[in small writing on same line as next item]]
                                           HMT&Co   7.74
                                           HSW Co 139.28
         Heating Pipes for Breaker                         147.02     147.02
         New Rock Car for Bank -                            63.00      63.00
         Fan draft arrangement Boiler Plant 1200.00   
May      Car Rails @ 23.75 (30 lb)(112)(15-1-0-0)          342.39     342.39
May      [[underline]] Fan Draft Plant [[/underline]]
         Sturtevan's Bill                                 1200.00
         Millers Bill    Masonry Work.                     210.43
         Supply Bill 5 lbs nails Cement Fittings 17.95 etc
                   Paint etc (Roofing 18.40)(Lumber 10.00)  46.35
         Labor- our own men -  [[check mark]]               43.44     1500.22
           [[Penciled in total]]                          1500.22
June     1 Chestnut Christ Jig  [[check mark]]                         450.00
         1 Sheet Iron Cutter & 1 Punch (Koons)                         132.00
         1 set Relief Valves Hoisting Engines (E&E)                      40.40
Aug      1/2 of 2 New Carriages    [[check mark]]                      160.00
Sept     141 - 30 lb relaying Rails @ 18.50 ton 42350                  349.77

Transcription Notes:
Using . under received and paid columns to indicate where red ledger line is in the text.