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[[preprinted]] Date. Bills Payable..DECEMBER. $ Cts. [[/preprinted]]

[[preprinted]] RECEIVABLE. [[/preprinted]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Schedule governing our Coal Inspectors, in inspecting the coals:
[[wavy line drawn across page]]

[[underlined]] Slate Bone Total [[/underlined]]
Broken          1      2     3
Egg             2      2     4
Stove      2 1/2   2 1/2     5  [[in margin]] 4-3 [[/in margin]]
Nut        3 1/2    3 1/2    7  [[in margin]] 5-5 3 1/2 3/2 [[/in margin]]
Pea      10 don't count bone 10
Buck Wheat   15 [[dittos for: don't count bone]] 15

[[line drawn across page]]

[[underlined]] Nut, [[/underlined]] at no time more than 15% Pea, or average more than 12 1/2% of the same - 

[[underlined]] Pea, [[/underlined]] at no time more than 20% Buck Wht, or average more than 15% of the same - 

[[underlined]] B.Wht [[/underlined]] at no time more than 15% Rice - 
[[centered solid line]]

Received from [[Thm?]] Young 12/30/96
[[underlined]] JMR [[/underlined]]