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[[image: decorative line drawing, printed in yellow]]

Abbreviation of Printing Processes used:--
Br.  Bromide
Ch.  Chloride
Ch.-Br.  Chloro-Bromide
Gev.  Gevaluxe
G.-F.  Gold-Flaked
Pla.  Plastika
P.N.  Paper Negative

* His Excellency The President

1. Golden Summit     Ch. Br.
Mount Omei is situated 300 li southwest of Chengtu. As part of the Mien Ranges, the pulchritude of its peaks combined with the altitude represents scenes of unusual grandeur. There are four peaks, namely Ta O (First), Erh O (Second), San O (Third) and Sze O (fourth). Among Them the first is the best noted for its majestic beauty. Scattered over the mountain are seventy-two monasteries, and this region is considered the Mecca of Chinese Buddhists. Its many dales and ravines, abundantly carved with shrines out of the rocks, present views that are really picturesque. People often take the trouble to make a 120 li trip (40 miles) to see the Golden Summit, its highest peak. which has an altitude of 15000 feet. The peak was named after the hall of a monastery formerly known as Yung Ming Hua Tsang Sse (Everlasting Light and Repositary of Beauty Temple)--built by a prince of the Ming Dynasty and since destroyed by fire--in which most of the structural material was bronze alloyed with gold. Behind it there is a precipice of abysmal depth, and in the neighbourhood are two bronze pagodas and a bell, as well as the Buddha's Glory Lookout--all of which are spots of historical significance.

2. Buddha's Glory Lookout     Ch. Br.
This post of observation is at the right of the Golden Summit. When the sun is at an angle of 45 degrees, white clouds gather like a sea, forming what is called the "Silvery World". Above them are halos of many layers and in multi-colors, bright and clear like a mirror from which an observer's image and movements are reflected. This phenomenon is known as the "Light of Portrayal". When the clouds clear up, an halo of greater dimensions appears with rays so bright as to be dazzling to the eye. This same rays undergoing various degrees of change, have been given names of different signification. At night one may see the so-called "Buddha's


[[image: decorative line drawing, printed in yellow]]