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[[image - decorative line drawing, in yellow ink]]

48. Through The Mist     Ch. Br.
the West Hill Park of Wanhsien, on the right bank of the Yangtse falls on the hillside along the slope. Great care is taken to preserve rocks and vegetation in their natural state. There is also a zoo, and pavilions in the park. Enormous sums of money have been donated for road construction.

49. Poplars At Dusk     Br.
A corner of the Western Hill Park.

50. The Shallows     Ch.
A ferry between Wanhsien and Ichang.

51. Potter's Toil     Ch. Br.
At Wanhsien.

52. The Rapids     Ch. Br.
At Wanhsien.

53. Tranquil River     Ch. Br.
At Wanhsien.

54. Evening Ferry     Br.
At Wanhsien.

55. Portrait Study     P.N.

56. Smile Of A Sage     P.N.

57. Merry Thoughts     Ch. Br.

58. La Pensierosa     Br.

59. Counting The Beads     Ch. Br.

60. Dimpled Laughter      Br.

61. Centenarian     Pla.

62. My Daughter     Ch. Br.

63. Thinking     Pla.

64. Ing-ing     Br.

65. Processional     Br.
A routine ceremony held by those, who believe in Taoism, a religion established by Chang Ling Tao of the East Han Dynasty.

66. Relaxation     Ch. Br.
The Tsing Chen Shan in Kwanhsien, Szechuan, is a mecca of the Taoists. It earns the title of the metropolis of the genii. The temple at the Tien Sze Tung (The Cave of the Supreme Taoist Priest) was built in Sui Dynasty about 600 A.D. The hill consists of thirty-six peaks with ranges extending as far as a distance of 800 li. It abounds with plants and flowers and is much praised for its delicate paths.

67. Silhouette     Br.

68. Trysting Place     Br.


[[image - decorative line drawing, in yellow ink]]