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[[Image - decorative line drawing, in yellow ink]]

106. Music Of Spring     P.N.
Tien Tai Shan is a beautiful scenic region in southeastern China. The water fall over the stone beam between the upper and the lower halls of the Fang Kuang Monastery pours down almost perpendicularly, spreading like a roll of outstretched white cloth and creating an awe inspiring roar like successive rolls of thunder. This picture taken from the lower part of the Fan Kuang Monastery shows only a part of it.

107. Amidst The Peaks     Br.
The Yen Tang Shan literally means the range of the swans and lagoons. It is so named because it is usually densely inhabited by flocks of swans in the lagoons in the autumnal days. It consists of three mountains, i.e. North, South and Central, among which the first named is the most renowned. In favorable weather, the water fall at Lung Chui (Abiding-place of the Dragon) which is helped by the gentle breeze to roar and spray presents columns of colors through the reflection of the sun's rays. This sight in addition to the pouring water from the great height along the canyon constitutes the heart's desire for the sightseer.
This picture was taken on the way to Shien Shen (Revealing The Best) Gate with all the peaks appearing in queer shapes.

108. Watchful Magpie     Ch. Br.
On the way to Yen Tang Ranges.

109. Homeward     Ch. Br.
On the way to Yen Tang Ranges.

110. Dry Season     Ch. Br.
On the way to Yen Tang Ranges.

111. Vale Of Phantasy     P.N.
The Ling Tung (Peaks of Phantasy) and the Ling Yai (Precipice of Phantasy) which are also called the two Phantasies are considered to be the best in this whole range of scenery.

112. Rocky Grandeur     P.N.
The Ling Fung, projecting itself so lofty into the sky that it seems to immerse itself in the clouds, has one concentrated summit with two footings. This is to say it has a huge crevice at the foot of the mountain with an altitude of three hundred and seventy steps or more. Inside, it is so spacious that a building was erected following the inner natural outline. Liu Yuan of the Sung Dynasty who was the pioneer to exploit this place in 1107 A.D. is worshipped here.

113. Sunshine And Shade     Ch. Br.
Sen Hsia Ling is an extended range along the border of the Chekiang and Fukien Provinces. The highway there has many a hazardous zigzag point.


[[Image - decorative line drawing, in yellow ink]]