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[[image - decorative line drawing, in yellow ink]]

Het is een merkwaardige afwisseling van donkere en lichte plekken.  Deze geheele foto wordt beheerst door dat klein kereltje, dat zwarte silhouetje midden in het water.  Haalt men dat weg, dan mist de heele foto haar maat en ook haar inhoud, want dan spoelt en drijft dat volt onbeheerst naar een onzekere toekomst.  Het is een waardig openingstuk voor dit nummer en verbindt op goede wijze de sterke compositie van het platte vlak, op Oostersche manier, met een boeiende schildering van licht en schaduw op Westersche manier. -- [follow in italic] from Focus 24ste Jaargang 1937. [end italic]

118.  Watching For Prey [bolded]

"Watching for Prey", by Chin-San Long, Shanghai, China.  Very clever and highly artistic in arrangement and treatment.  The animal looks bad in temper and ready for a meal.  Composition is strongly diagonal in main lines and crossed by the short black lines of the tiger's body.  The evil face is at once the center of interest owing to the concentration of strong blacks and whites, their circular distribution, and the evil eyes of the brute.  One may well believe him to be some lonely faraway spot. But-read the data. Made in the Zoological Garden of Shanghai City. The tiger was of notedly bad Temper, and the exposure was one of several made through the grill-work of the cage. Data: Graflex 3 1/4 by 4 1/4 with Tessar F:45 used at that aperture. The exposure was 1/10 second, in even lighting, at 3 p.m. in winter, on Kodak S. S. Pan. Development in pure amodol. Print from paper negative, enlarged 2" by 2 1/2' portion of small negative. Foliage worked in - from American Photography.   

[[image - Ad for furniture manufacturer, enclosed in doubled line box]]
[[following is the text in the ad]]

Artistic Furniture Manufacturer
We make every Kinds of Studio Photographic
Cameras, Enlarger and Photo Lamp etc.
We Have also
No. 33 Yates Road (West of Avenue Foch)
Telephone 32879
[[end of ad]]

[[image - decorative line drawing, in yellow ink]]