Viewing page 61 of 66

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[[image - decorative line drawing, in yellow ink]]

Name of Salon         Year      Prints Accepted
Milano                1932            3
Milwaukee             1935-37         2
Minneapolis           1934-38         6
Monaco                1937            4
Munchen               1939            3
Mardi Gras            1935            2

Netherland India      1938            1
New England (U.S.A.)  1939            3
New Zealand           1937            6
Nottingham            1939            4
Nuneaton              1939            2
N. W. Cheshire        1939            1

Oak Park              1936            2
Oval Table            1937            1

P. A. of A.           1936            5
Paris                 1932-38        11
P.S.A. 3rd Convention
(Invitation)          1935            1
P.S.A. 100 P.         1939            1
Photographic          1935-36         3
Poiters               1936            5
Poland                1933-37         7
Portsmouth            1934-39        28
Prague                1933-35         5
Preston               1934-39        21
Princeston            1935            2
Palais du Louvre      1935            5

Ryde l.o.w.           1939            4
Roanne                1937           10
Rotherham             1936-38        11
Royal                 1935-37         3

San Diego             1933-34         2
Scarbourough          1938            1
Scottish National     1935-37         6
Scranton              1936-37         6
Shropshire            1939            2
Sopron                1937-39         5
Southampton           1939            2
South London          1937-39         6
South Shields         1936-39        12
Spa                   1935-38        14
Stockholm             1934            4
St. Petersburg        1939            1
Syracuse              1934-38         4
Szeged                1935-38         6

Toronto               1935            1
Torino                1934-39         4
Toulouse              1935-37        22
Tours                 1934            4
Twickenham            1939            4

Victorian             1934-39         4

Western Intern.       1934-36         4
Western Onterio       1939            2
Weymouth              1939            3
Wilmington            1936            1
Windlesham            1938            2
Whitby & D.P.S.       1939            2

Zagreb                1936            3
Zaragoza              1938            5


                    Salon         Prints Accepted
1931                  1               1
1932                  3               6
1933                 15              29 
1934                 28              75
1935                 36             115 
1936                 53             156  
1937                 61             197
1938                 30              89
1939 Jan.-Jun.       38              87
                    ---             ---
                    265             755


[[image - decorative line drawing, in yellow ink]]