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1217 Foster, Mr. Leon. 
1247 Fitzhugh's Mr. W.H. baby
1294 Fisher, Mrs. and Mr [[strikethrough]] s [[/strikethrough]] King
1322 Fletcher, Mr. F.A.
1499 Foster, Mr. L.L.- Fisk
1553 Folson, Miss E.J.
1575 1/2 Fillmore, Miss I.
1581 Foster, J.H.
1573 Fisher, Miss Elizabeth
1605 Frog[[/strikeout]]s[[/strikeout]]Club group
1622 Flint, Miss Ethel
1625 Foster, Miss A.L.
1705 Forde, Jno. S.J.E.
1710 Fraser, Mr. D.W.
1818 Fillmore, Master Chas.
1837 Fowler, Mr. Geo. V.
1844 Foyer, Dr. A.F. copy
1888 Flagg, Miss M.A.
1937 Fearing, Miss Gladys
1936 Fearing, Mrs. Warren, 
1961 Fearing, Miss Essie
1970 Foster, Mr. L.L.
2096 Fribbitt, R.M.
2107 Ford, Mr. Chas. 
2150 Fitzhugh, Miss Media
2116 fearing, Mr. Warren
2160 Fortune, Mrs-copy
2196 Fletcher's Mr. T.C.-copy
x2212 Foster, Mr. L.J.
2251 Ferguson, Miss Ethel
x2217 Forbes, Mr. F.L.
2299 Flipper, Bishop
2372 General Forrest with U.S. Flag (8x10)
2375 Fearing, Mrs. Chas. H
2380 Ford, Mr. F.B
2472 Fauset, Miss J.R.
2481 Francis, Dr. Jno. R. Jr.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

2648 Freedmens Hospital, Graduating Class 1912 8x10 [[circled]] 
2645 Fraser, Mrs Anna
2516 Forbes, Mr. D.A.
2565 Fletcher, Dr. T.A. (Group) 5x7
2566 Fletcher, Dr. T.A.
2582 Fisher, Mr. E.H.
2601 Ferebee, Dr. Alex
2664 Freedmen's Hospital;Internes (8x10) 
2747 Fulford, Mrs. E.A. baby
2768 Freeman, Miss Alice
2778 Fisher, Mr. C.B.
2790 Fox & Lee (8x10) 
2807 Ferguson, Miss V.C.
2815 Frances, Miss May
[[strikethrough]] 2847 Faucet, Miss [[/strikethrough]] 
2893 Flick Mrs.-photo of dog.
2918 Ferguson's Mrs. Violet- baby
2937 Fletcher, Mrs. E.B. Boys
3041 Freeman, Miss Marion
3119 Fauntroy, Miss R. -copy
3139 Flagg Miss MA
3197 Forrester, Mrs. P.G.- copy
3188 Freeman Mr. W.H.
3211 Freedmen's Hospital operating scene 8x10
3216 Fisher, Mr. L.H.
3225 Francis, Mr. H.
3230 Francis Mrs Milton
3246 Foreman, Mr. W.P. room 8x10
3286 Fletcher Mrs. Eva
3284 Flagg Mr. C.H.
3320 Fisk Uni. Basketball team
3277 Freedmans Hospital Nurses 1913 8x10
3492 Ferguson, Mr. George
3372 Fowler, Mr. George
3565 Freedmens Hospital Internes-1913 8x10
[[cut off numbers]]35 Freeman, Miss Ida
[[cut off numbers]]3 Fletcher, Mr. Richard