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Annual Report
Fiscal Year 1959
Department of Geology
G. Arthur Cooper, Head Curator

Fiscal 1959 was a year of progress for all divisions, but for the Division of Mineralogy and Petrology it was outstanding.  Research publication fell off, to some extent, but accessions, especially in mineralogy and petrology, exceeded all estimates.

Staff changes were not extensive this year, but one loss was balanced by two replacements, leaving a net gain.  In vertebrate paleontology, Dr. Peter V. Vaughn resigned to accept a position in the University of California at Los Angeles, but this vacancy was filled by the addition of Dr. Nicholas Hotton III to take care of the fossil reptiles.  For two years the position in Foraminifera, vacated by Dr. Loeblich in 1957, has been unfilled.  Dr. Richard Cifelli, formerly of Brown University, was appointed to fill this vacancy and reported for work in late June.  This particular position is a very important one because of the celebrated Cushman collection of Foraminifera.  No changes in the scientific staff were made in mineralogy and petrology.  The Division of Invertebrate Paleontology and Paleobotany, however, is still suffering from the loss of Dr. Nicol, whose position has not yet been filled.