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A very fine statuette of the Chinese goddess Kwan-Yin, carved in mauve jade, was received as a transfer from the General Services Administration.

Meteorites.- Several important additions to the meteorite collection were received as gifts: Ladder Creek, Kans., from the Argonne National Laboratory; Vera, Santa Fé, Argentina, from Lorenzo Orestes Giacomelli; Belle Plaine, Kans., from Professor Walter Scott Houston; Idutwa, Cape Province, South Africa, from Dr. Edgar D. Mountain; Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, from Dr. C. C. Patterson; Hoba, South Africa, and Black Moshannan Park, Pa., from the Academy of Natural Sciences of Phildelphia; and Sikhote-Alin, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, from the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences.

Meteorites added to the Roebling collection were: Vaca Muerta, Chile; Zacatecas, Mexico; Mocs, Romania; Ergheo, Italian Somaliland; Hawkinsville, Ga., Pasamonte, N. Mex.; Lake Murray, Okla.; and Murray, Ky.

Meteorites received in exchange include: 16 meteorites from various localities in Australia; Twin City, Ga.; Seligman, Ariz.; Bosna-Ozren, Yugoslavia; and Dimitrovgrad, Serbia.