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Gems acquired for the Isaac Lea collection by purchase from the Chamberlain fund include: A 10.8 carat kornerupine from Madagascar; an 18.5 carat golden sphalerite from Utah; a colorless zircon from Ceylon, weighing 48.2 carats; a star garnet sphere weighing 67.3 carats, from Idaho; and a 43.5 carat sinhalite from Ceylon. 

Received as gifts were: A 19.7 carat scapolite cat's eye, Burma, from Martin L. Ehrmann; and a jet bracelet, England, from Mrs. George P. Merrill. 

Several outstanding gems were acquired by exchange. They are: A 73.3 carat sphalerite from Utah; a fine reddish brown zircon from Thailand weighing 105.9 carats; an unusually large and fine precious topaz from Brazil weighing 129.1 carats; an exceptional golden sapphire from Burma weighing 92.5 carats; and a 19.8 carat yellow apatite from Mexico.

A very fine statuette of the Chinese goddess Kwan-Yin carved in mauve jade, was received as a transfer from the General Services Administration.

Meteorites.- Several important additions to the meteorite collection were received as gifts. They are: Ladder Creek, Kansas, from Argonne National Laboratory; Vera, Santa Fe, Argentina, from Lorenzo Orestes Giacomelli; Belle Plaine, Kansas, from Professor Walter Scott Houston; Idutwa, Cape Province, South Africa, from Dr. Edgar D. Mountain; Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, from Dr. C. C. Patterson; Hoba, South Africa and Black Moshannan Park, Pennsylvania, from the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia; and Sikhote-Alin, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Academy of Sciences.