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[[stamp]]AUG 31 1925[[/stamp]]
- For Prize Contest -

W. Atlee Burpee Co.
Philadelphia Pa.

Dear Sirs -

We have used Burpee's seed for many years and they have never failed to give satisfaction. They are not only certain to grow if given half a chance, but also grow true to description given in catalog.

As a rule we have the finest garden in our vicinity. It not only supplies all our needs in the vegetable line winter and summer, but furnishes many of our neighbors with fresh vegetables. Neighbors are beginning to use Burpee's seed and there is a decided improvement in their gardens. 

Have also had wonderful success with Burpee's flower seed. Gloxinias, Cyclamen, Cannas etc.

Respectfully yours
Mary Strickland
Whitney Crossings
Alle, Co N.Y.