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Aug. 31,1925

W. Atlee Burpee
Philadelphia, Penn.,

Dear Sirs:

Three years ago I got my first Burpee seeds, including a 10¢ package of Snap-dragon (mixed dwarf), which I have found to be extremely easy to grow, very profuse bloomers, and wonderful colors. Each year they have seeded themselves, and this year I set out several hundred plants besides giving any number of them to my friends. In winter I've not given them any protection whatever, but each year several survive our coldest weather (sometimes 10° or more below zero) and come out blossoming early in the spring, much earlier than I can plant and get other things to bloom.

Yours very respectfully,

[[handwritten]] (Miss) Ivy Mooney
Walla Walla, Washington
Gen'l Del. [[/handwritten]]
[[stamp]]AUG 31 1925[[/end stamp]]