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- For prize contest - 

About eight years ago I first grew Burpee's Celery from seed sown in March. I set out in June two hundred plants. Sold several hundred to my neighbours. and produced a splendid crop of excellent quality. every year Since I have repeated the above experience with little variation.

I grow Burpee's Tomatoes exclusively because I find them "unsurpassed" by any other.

[[stamp]]AUG 28 1925[[/stamp]]

I have over one hundred Burpee's Gladioli raised from seed flowers of immense Size and exquisite coloring. Also Burpee's Annual [[part of page missing]]
Verbena. Astir. Snapdragon [[part of page missing]]
the above flowers I have [[part of page missing]]
repeatedly at our county [[part of page missing]] 
winning many first p[[part of page missing]]
[[line of dots]]

Sincerely Yours. Mrs Dan [[part of page missing]] 
Sour[[part of page missing]]

Souris Aug 24th 1925: