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For Prize Contest

Aug 25, 1925

W. Atlee Burpee Co
Philadelphia Pa

Dear Sirs:

The dry weather in June upset calculations in gardening this year. Early plantings were killed or failed to come through the ground. Second plantings were more successful.

Philadelphia bush lima beans look fine at present, well filled out.

Black Red Ball Beet, Jersey Wakefield Cabbage, New York Improved Lettuce, Victoria Spinach, Early White Bush Squash, and White Egg Turnip have given excellent yields of high quality.

[[Bintth?]] Wax beans gave one good picking of excellent quality, then seemed to stop. Now they look as if they might start another crop.

Hubbard Squash and sugar pumpkin were set back by drouth.

[[stamped]] AUG 28 1925 [[/stamped]]

Yours very truly

S H Champlin