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For Prize Contest.

I planted the following Burpees' Seeds in garden last spring. Corn - Cucumbers - Cabbage - Cauliflower - Celery - Peas - Beans - Tomatoes - Kohlrabbi - Peanuts - Egg'Plant - Peppers - Asparagus - Rhubarb - Carrots - Watermelons - Musk Melons - Pumpkin - Squash - Dollar-Collection Flowers = the results: melons - vegetables - flowers - great in quantity - superb in quallity - used - sold - give - neighbors. -
Estimated value of total 300.00 my Garden was a Surprize and wonder to visitors. a luxuriant - growth of Fruits Melons and Vegetables with a border of Flowers, grand and glorious; whose beautiful colors out Shine Golconda's Peerless Gems. to the oft repeated question. how did you do it; my answer, was Started right: Planted - Burpees Seeds.

[[stamp]] AUG 28 1926 [[/stamp]]


Edward Eugene Newton
Garden City

Transcription Notes:
Mines in the former Golcunda/Golconda region of India were the source of many fabulous gems, including the famous Hope Diamond.