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No. 1397

W. Atlee Burpee & Co. 
Philadelphia, Pa. 

Dear Sir:

I wish to tell you what Burpee's seeds did for me in 1904. I made fine displays of farm and garden products at both our state and county fairs and won first prizes on best displays and many single articles. In the Arkansas exhibit at the World's Fair first prizes on beet displays and many single articles. In the Arkansas exhibit at the World's Fair I also received six medals. All articles grown were fine, and I received prizes in cash sufficient to pay all my expenses to this same World's Fair in October. This trip and these honors were the greatest pleasures in all my life, and all came through the growing of Burpee's Seeds.

Sincerely yours, 
Mrs. Sallie M. Oakley
Rogers, Ark. 
R. 2. Box 62

(Your oldest customer)