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[[stamped]] AUG 24 1925 [[/stamped]]

[[underline]] FOR PRIZE CONTEST [[/underline]]

August 20th, 1925.

When I think of buying flower seeds, I think of Burpee's, because Burpee's seeds have proved to be uniformly reliable. 

Three of the most beautiful and satisfactory annuals my garden boasts came from Burpee's. They are Phlox Drummondi, Double Larksour, and Burpee Asters. The catalog descriptions fail to do them justice. 

One year I had a small patch of potatoes that produced about three dollar's worth. Between the rows I set Burpee asters and sold twenty dollar's worth of cut flowers, besides those we cut for ourselves or gave away. 

J. A. Dell,
106 Maple Street,
Reading, Ohio.