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^[[1918 - 1919]]
By W. H. Holmes, Curator

[[note: all the Titles in the following list are underlined]]

15. Holy Family and Two Angels  Circular [[strikethrough]]canvas[[/strikethrough]] ^[[panel]]  Sebastiano Mainardi

16. "Edinburgh" or Sunlight and Air.   canvas   J. M. W. Turner

17. The Duchess of Ancaster  " [[ditto for canvas]]  Sir J. Reynolds, [[strikethrough]]F[[/strikethrough]] P. R. A.

18. Portrait of Viscount Hill " [[ditto for canvas]]  """  """ [[ditto for Sir J. Reynolds, P. R. A.]]

19. Sir Sampson Wright " [[ditto for canvas]]  George Romney

20. Archibald Skirving  " [[ditto for canvas]]  Sir Henry Raeburn

21. Madonna and Child  " [[ditto for canvas]]  Govaert Flinck --Flemish School

22. A Burgomaster "[[ditto for canvas]]  N. Maes (Signed)-- Dutch School

23. The Marriage of St. Catherine   panel   Innocenzo da Imola

24. Portrait of Mrs. Price  canvas  William Hogarth

During [[strikethrough]]the past[[/strikethrough]] ^[[recent]] year^[[s] the Gallery has had the privilege of exhibiting certain loans of valuable paintings from Mr. Johnson's collection in the small northeast room of the Gallery and in the spring of 1919 he indicated that he had in mind, in case conditions [[strikethrough]]could be[[/strikethrough ^[[were]] made satisfactory, the plan of presenting portions of his splendid collection to the nation.  He was at once informed that the long hall on the east side, north, would be placed at his disposal.  This suggestion met with his approval and in June twenty-four choice examples of his masterpieces graced its walls.  As soon as the adjustment to the   ^[[wall]] spaces was completed and the effect pronounced satisfactory the deed of gift was