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By W. H. Holmes, Curator

submitted and the collection accepted by the Secretary of the Institution.

Other permanent accessions are, portrait of Hon. Franklin K. Lane, by Ossip Perelma, 1918, gift of Mr. Frank B. Noyes, Washington, D. C. , and a marble bust of S. F. B. Morse, by Horatio Greenough, 1831, gift of Dr. Edward L. Morse, Pittsfield, Massachusetts.

The loans are ^[[underline]] two [[/underline]] paintings in oil by William H. Powell, A.N.A., "Washington at Valley Forge." and Portrait of Alphonse Marie Louis de Lamartine, 1790-1864, painted from life.  Lent by Mrs. W. H. Powell, New York City. -- ^[[underline]] Oil [[/underline]] painting, "Interior of Levardin Church, Florence, Italy," by S. Jerome Uhl, lent by Mr. R. P. Tolman, U. S. National Museum,-- ^[[underline]] Oil [[/underline]] painting, "The Infant Jesus and Saint Hohn," by Rubens, 1633 lent by Hon. Hoffman Philip, ^[[Department of State]] [[strikethrough]] Washington D. C. [[/strikethrough]] -- ^[[underline]] Oil [[/undelrine]] painting, "Madonna and Child," attributed to Raphael, lent by Thos. B. O'Sullivan, Washington, D. C. -- ^[[underline]] Water [[/underline]] color, "Rhone Valley," by John. M. W. Turner, lent by Miss Elizabeth Ogden Adams, South Lincoln, Mass. -- ^[[underline]] Two [[/underline]] portraits in oil, Major [[insert]] ^[[ E. ]] [[/insert]] Alexander Powell, 1919, and Miss Clara J. Gordon, 1916, by Wilford Seymour Conrow, lent by Wilford Seymour Conrow.