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By W.H. Holmes, Curator

In [[strikethrough]]April[[/strikethrough]] ^[[Oct,1918,] fourteen oil paintings by French and British artists, part of the collection of works by contemporary
foreign artists lent to the National Gallery by the American Federation of Arts through Miss Leila Mechlin, Secretary, were  temporarily withdrawn by the Federation for exhibition on circuit, and shipped to The Arnot Gallery, Care of Mrs. Jeannette M. Divan, Director, Elmira, New York. Nine of these were returned from Eire, Pa., on May 12, 1919, and three from Oberlin, Ohio, on June 4, 1919. Two, "Anniversary," by Jacques Emile Blanche, and "La Gue," by Gaston LaTouche, have not been returned at the close of the year. The twelve pictures returned are in storage.

On May 7, 1919 permission was granted to Mr. Walter R. Gill to have lantern slides made of certain paintings in the Gallery and the Photographer was instructed to complete and forward the slides requested. [[strikethrough]] One only was[[/strikethrough]] ^[[Nine slides were]] furnished, [[strikethrough]] that representing "Knights of the  Holy Grail," by Waugh.[[/strikethrough]] In May Mr. Theodore Sutro, of New York, asked that negatives be made for the use of the Electric Tint Engraving Company, of Philadelphia, of his two paintings "Leif Ericason Entering the New World in the Year 1001," and "The First Recognition of the American Flag by a Foreign Nation in the Harbor of Quiberon, France." On May 28 Miss Edith Guerer