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By W. H. Holmes, Curator.

obtained written permission from Frederick J. Waugh to have a print from the negative of his painting, "The Holy Grail" made for her. The print was forwarded on May 29. ^[[|]] In May [[strikethrough]] Miss [[/strikethrough]] ^[[Mrs.]] Violet K. Roberts was permitted to make a copy of the painting, Portrait of Madam Tulp, by Cornelius Janssens, belonging to the Harriet Lane John[[insert]] ^[[/]] [[/insert]]son bequest.

[[left margin]] ^[[t/]] [[/left margin]]
In May Secretary C. D. Walcott accompanied by the Curator of the Gallery visited New York to attend a meeting of the American Federation of Arts, on which occation Dr. Walcott presented an address on the "National Gallery, Its Present Status and Prospects." Visits were made to various art museums and the residence of Rev. A. D. Pell, who announced his intention to present to the Gallery a large selection from his vast stores of French and other art objects. At the close of the year the first installment of this collection had reached the National Museum and its installation was initiated in the north [[strikethrough]] room [[/strikethrough]] ^[[alcove]] of the National Gallery.

[[left margin]] ^[[See slip attached]] [[/left margin]]

The Advisory Committee on the National Gallery of Art was unfortunate during the year in losing by death two of its valued members, -- [[insert]] ^[[C. Y. Turner + Frederic Crowninshield]] [[/insert]] [[strikethrough]] Mr. Edwin H. Blashfield and Mr. Herbert Adams [[/strikethrough]]. ^[[ ( ]] Mr. Edmund C. ^[[ ) ]] [[insert]] ^[[The committee as now constituted is as fallows WH Holmes C & S]] [[/insert]] Tarball, ^[[underline]] on February 22, 1919, accepted the place on the [[/underline]] Committee left vacant by the death of Mr. C. Y. Turner, which had occurred during the previous year. Mr. Douglas Volk accepted membership on the Committee April 27, 1919. [[strikethrough]] one place thus remains vacant at the end of the year. [[/strikethrough]]