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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c
Hd Qrs Asst Commissioner
Raleigh N.C. Aug 7" 1865

Teal Capt. Asa 

In reply to your telegram of Aug 7" I am directed to state that until further advices from the Bureau, no transportation can be issued.

Very Respectfully
Fred H Beecher
Lt & A. Asst. Adjt. Genl.

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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c.
Hd Qrs Asst Commissioner
Raleigh N.C. Aug 7" 1865

[[left margin]] Teal 66/94 [[/left margin]]  Capt. Asa 

Yours of the 5" inst. is at hand with regard to the Stables.  I think your suggestion is a good one, that the lumber be saved, as it may be needed.  As to the negro now in jail he should be tried by a Military Court, unless the Civil Court will admit admit the testimony of colored witnesses, and even then I do not think these Civil Courts have any legal existence.  The best course is to have charges preferred, & have the case brought before such military court as the Dist. Commander may order & you can appear as his council if you choose.  I am glad to learn that things are going smoothly in your District.

Very Respectfully
E. Whittlesey
Col. & Asst. Commissioner

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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c.
Hd Qrs Asst Commissioner
Raleigh N.C. Aug 7" 1865

Shaw  Esq. Francis G.


Capt Horace James is Supt. of the Eastern District, Hd. Qrs. at New Berne, Mr. Leavitt will probably return soon.  Meantime supplies sent just as before will be properly forwarded.
Very Respectfully

E. Whittlesey
Col. & Asst. Commissioner

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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c
Hd Qrs Asst Commissioner
Raleigh N.C. Aug 7" 1865

Fullerton  Brig. Genl. J.S.
A.A. Genl


I have telegraphed several times in vain for information, and now will try the slow & (I hope it may be sure) proess of mail.  1" [[?Ts]] Circular No.9. intended to forbid all transportation except that which is ordered by Genl. Howard himself? it so reads, & is so interpreted by the Q.M. Dept.  It is working much mischeif & suffering.  I hired out nearly one hundred laborers from our Camp last week to a farmer in Egecomb County, must they be kept here & fed in idleness for want of power to give them transportation to a place where they can be earning their own living?  Many others are seeking their old homes in Va or the Eastern Counties of this State.  Must I keep [[strikethrough]] them [[/strikethrough]] such here & feed them indefinitely?
2d May I employ citizen clerks?  It is impossible to get detailed men.  One half the troops in this Dept are negroes, the other half have been searched through, till every man capable of acting as clerk has been found & already detailed.  I can get citizens (natives) at low wages & if authorized to pay them out of the funds of the Bureau. 
3d Capt. T.A. Seely AYM informs me that he has been ordered to report to Genl O O Howard by letter.  I have been trying for a month to get him.  I must have him to take charge of my Financial Affairs.
Capt James is over worked, & besides he intends to resign very soon.  Please therefore order Capt Seely to report to me at once.
4" When is my promised leave of absence to be granted?  On my leaving Washington Genl. Howard assured me that after two or three weeks I should have the "leave" which I solicited then.  Seven weeks have passed I need a rest now.  I would like to see you & the Genl. for consultation before arrangements are made for another year, and the proper time for making such arrangements is close at hand.  Please therefore order me to Washington for consultation & then grant me leave to go north.  Please send O.O copies of Circular No.5.

Very Respectfully
E. Whittlesey
Col. & Asst. Commissioner

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Transcription Notes:
The Asst. Commissioner's name is Col. Eliphalet (Eli) Whittlesey. The name was incorrectly transcribed on the example page. This has been corrected.