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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen &c.
Hd. Qrs. Asst. Commissioner
Raleigh N.C.  Aug. 19" 1865

Seely  Capt. G.A.


I think it would be a wise precaution to require evidence of their legal title to the property claimed, of those who ask its restoration.  In some instances I have done this.  But after all, no act of ours can in any way affect the question of ownership, and in a majority of cases the oath of the claimant must be accepted.
We have no authority to revoke the orders of Superior Officers.  In case we think their action wrong, we may send forward a statement of facts, and request the Sec. of War D to declare such action void.
As to the character of applicants, as far as possible put upon them the burden of proof.  Require them to furnish evidence of their loyalty i.e. that they have not been "engaged in arms or otherwise in aiding or encouraging the rebellion."
I sent a dispatch to Capt. James to go to Wilmington Monday next.  I will meet him at Goldsboro, if I feel well enough to undertake the trip.
I have appointed Maj. Wickersham A.A.G. - Supt. of the Southern District.  He left here yesterday.
A box of Bibles &c. partly for Freedmens S. School was sent by Am. Bible Soc. two months since directed to Dr. Thomas E. Skinner Care of Col. Granger Raleigh N.C. and consigned to Chris. Com. - New Berne.  Can you send some one to make enquiries for it?

Very Respectfully
E. Whittlesey
Col. and Asst. Commissioner


Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen &c.
Hd. Qrs. Asst. Commissioner
Raleigh N.C.  Aug. 19" 1865

Garrett Dr.

Dear Sir

I am sorry to learn from your letter that so many of the men hired here have already proved false.  I expected that some would.  Their education  has not given them very high ideas of integrity.  Time and patience will be needed to bring them up to a right Standard.  You can say to them that no transportation will be given, till they have fulfilled their contract with you.  Nor will any rations be given them here.  They went freely and if they leave you they must look out for 

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I do not think the impression is general that land is to be divided among the negroes;  but if it prevails to any serious extent, I shall be glad to do all in my power to correct the evil.
I know Mr. Elias Smith well, and am sure the reports against him are false.  The sensitiveness of some of the people about having negroes talked to about their rights, is not very creditable either to their intelligence or their heart.  It is time to throw off that relic of Slavery.
Mr. Smith is deeply interested in the experiment of free labor, and would do nothing to create discontent.  I hope to send a good officer into your region soon to address the people at various points.

Very truly yours
E. Whittlesey
Col. and Asst. Commissioner

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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen &c.
Hd. Qrs. Asst. Commissioner
Raleigh N.C.  Aug. 21" 1865

Cilley Maj. Clinton A.
Asst. Adjt. Genl.


In accordance with G.O. 102 A.G.O. Washington D.C. May 31" 1865, I have the honor to request that the following named Officers be detailed for duty in the Bureau and ordered to report at these Headquarters for assignment.  [[Footnote 1]]
J.J. Scroggs  1st Lieut. 5" U.S.C.T. 

E. Whittlesey
Col. and Asst. Commissioner

[[Footnote 1]] Returned Sept. 15" 1865 the 5" U.S.C.T. to be mustered out

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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen &c.
Hd. Qrs. Asst. Commissioner
Raleigh N.C.  Aug. 21" 1865

Cilley Maj. C.A.
A. A. Genl. Dept. N.C.


As all the enlisted men now on duty in this Bureau are about to be mustered out of the Service (so I suppose, though I have not seen the order.)  I have the honor to request that one company of not less than 40 men be assigned to me.
I have now 37 men serving in various capacities as guards, orderlies, messengers, overseers of farms &c.  I need a much larger number in this Central District alone.

I have the honor to be
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt. Srvt.
E. Whittlesey
Col. and Asst. Commissioner

Transcription Notes:
The Asst. Commissioner's name is Col. Eliphalet (Eli) Whittlesey. The name was incorrectly transcribed on the example page. This has been corrected.