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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen &c.
Hd. Qrs. Asst. Commissioner
Raleigh N.C. Sept. 13" 1865

Seely Capt. F.A.


I have the honor to return corrected copies of order in case of Miss Mary Pasteur. Mr. Cuthbert called this morning and made apparently satisfactory explanations in his case.
Having seen Cir. 15 in print, I think it best to wait a few days before acting on these cases, for that Cir. takes from the Asst. Commissioner authority to restore, except where property is not abandoned. I have today advised applicants to conform to the requirements as printed in the papers. I am happy to receive your advice relative to the school property, and will lay all the facts before Col. Whittlesey, whose return I look for about the 20" inst.  Mr. Hooker called yesterday and I laid before him all the facts and statements made concerning his action, he has collected many controverting affadavits from citizens all of which I shall keep for Col. Whittleseys inspection.
Mr. Stanleys petition was returned to you and has not got back here yet. Does the 13" Exception refer to past valuation or present, or to the value at the time of the proclamation?

Very Respectfully
Fred H. Beecher
A.A.A. Genl.

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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen &c.
Hd. Qrs. Asst. Commissioner
Raleigh N.C.  Sept. 13" 1865

James Capt.


Please examine these papers viz. an official copy of letter from Genl. Ruger to Gov. Holden stating that an order had been issued restoring the Bank of N.C. property to the Corporation, and report the facts in the case. Has the property been turned over to the Bureau? and how does Col. Heaton hold it? I want all the facts to lay before Col. Whittlesey when he returns.  The statement of facts is made by B.F. Moore Esq. and for Cline in the letter of Maj. Cilley should be inserted Moore.

Very Respectfully
Fred H. Beecher
A.A.A. Genl.

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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen &c.
Hd. Qrs. Asst. Commissioner
Raleigh N.C.  Sept. 13" 1865

Wickersham Bv't. Major Chas. J.
Supt. Southern District


In answer to your communication of the 4" inst. I have the honor to reply as follows, I presented your letter and the accompanying order to Col. Cilley A.A. Genl. Dept. of N.C. and he said that the order did not prevent the Com. of Sub. furnishing rations to authorized Officers of this Bureau as before; In case you are refused rations please inform me and I will refer your communication to the Dept. Commander.

Very Respectfully
Fred H. Beecher
A.A.A. Genl.

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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen &c.
Hd. Qrs. Asst. Commissioner
Raleigh N.C.  Sept. 14" 1865

Mills Capt. C.W.


Your telegram has been received. Are there no Circulars or orders left in Capt. Teal's office? Do you succeed him?  Please let me know the date, No. and by whose order you act as Asst. Supt. of Freedmen. We are very glad to have your services, these facts are necessary for our reports. By all orders of the War Dept. and Dept. Commanders, whipping or personal violence toward Freedmen is prohibited, and it is your duty to arrest any who may so offend and refer them to a military Commission for trial.  G.O. 102. A.G.O. May 31" 1865, Orders all Div. Dept. and Post Comdrs to furnish all assistance of officers of this Bureau, in carrying out their Orders. Please communicate with this Office more fully the condition of affairs in your district, and you can work better by having an order assigning you to duty in the Bureau. I enclose copies of Orders and Circular No.2 of these Hd. Qrs. is definite and will give you all needed instructions.

Very Respectfully
Fred H. Beecher
A.A.A. Genl.