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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen &c
Hd. Qr. Asst. Commissioner
Raleigh N.C Nov. 22" 1865

White  Wm. A. Esq.


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Resolutions passed by the Court of Please & Quarter Sessions for the County of Warren Nov. 13" 1865.
It is not in my power to authorize Capt. Lawrence to try freedmen for "criminal offences".  By existing orders all cases of grave crime are referred to a Military Commission.  Nor could I sanction the infliction of all the kinds of punishment which the "Laws of N.C. prescribe in the case of White men".  Some of these Laws are a dead letter, and I should be very unwilling to revive them.
In cases in which freedmen are concerned, all officers of this Bureau have been authorized to punish light offences (whether the guilty party be white or black) by fines & imprisonment.

Very Respectfully
E. Whittlesey
Col. and Asst. Commissioner

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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen &c
Hd. Qr. Asst. Commissioner
Raleigh N.C Nov. 24" 1865

Cilley  Col. Clinton A.
Supt. Western District

I am directed to enclose all papers which have been received at this office relative to two twins which have been found near Charlotte N.C. in charge of a Mrs. Smith, and against the will of their parents.
The children in question bear some resemblance to the famous Siamese Twins, and consequently are sought after by speculators.  A Mr. Laird appeared this morning and made statements derogatory to the conduct of Capt. Barnitt and produced a contract which purports to be signed by the parents of the children, by which he will have the right to exhibit them.  Please investigate the case, & decide as the interests of the Bureau, and the welfare of the Freedmen shall require.

Very Respectfully
E. Whittlesey
Col. and Asst. Commissioner

B.54  E.B. p. 64.

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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen &c
Hd. Qr. Asst. Commissioner
Raleigh N.C Dec. 3d 1865

Howard  Maj. Genl. O.O.

I send herewith the resignation of Capt. H. James.  I regret to loose his services as an Officer, but he has remained some months beyond the time promissed when I took his place, and I feel compelled to accede to his wishes.  He also promises to remain in the State in other business, & to act as a Citizen Agent of the Bureau without pay.  I trust he may be mustered out where he is in accordance with orders which will entitle him to the three months extra pay.  No Officer is more deserving.  He has served 4 years doing the hard work of a Q.M. Supt. of Contrabands nearly all the time, and without promotion of any kind.

Very Respectfully
E. Whittlesey
Col. and Asst. Commissioner

C.R.J. 54  E.B.p.71.

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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen &c
Hd. Qr. Asst. Commissioner
Raleigh N.C Dec. 4" 1865

Cilley  Col.

A box of Stationary was made up for you a week ago, & is I suppose on the way, in charge of the enterprising N.C.R.R. Co.
Capt. Hodge has not reported, I am expecting him every day;  it may not be necessary for Capt. Wells to wait for him.
Your decision in the case of the twins will be sustained I think.
Such wood as is necessary for the Bureau, you can purchase on the best terms possible.

Very Respectfully
E. Whittlesey
Col. and Asst. Commissioner

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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen &c
Hd. Qr. Asst. Commissioner
Raleigh N.C Dec. 13" 1865

Woodhull  Col. Max
A.A. Genl.


On the 30" of Oct. last I requested instructions as to the expenditure of Quartermasters property turned over to the Bureau under G.O. 147. A.G.O. and received your reply dated Nov. 6" which authorizes me to "sell or issue to the most deserving or destitute Refugees and freedmen such articles of clothing as they may require at once, properly accounting for the same."  Under these instructions I have ordered the clothing to be issued very sparingly.  Much of it is now needed, and I would be glad to receive further orders upon the subject.  The above G.O. 147 says "All stores so received will be accounted for in like manner as stores drawn from the Quartermasters Dept."
This is the embarrassing clause.  I know of no Order or Regulation under which such property can be given away or sold, except to Officers

Very Respectfully
E. Whittlesey
Col. and Asst. Commissioner

Transcription Notes:
The Asst. Commissioner's name is Col. Eliphalet (Eli) Whittlesey. The name was incorrectly transcribed on the example page. This has been corrected.