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[[Footnote 1]]

and efficiency.
I trust his long and faithful services may be regarded as entitling him to the honor herein requested.

Very Respectfully
E. Whittlesey
Col. and Asst. Commissioner

[[Footnote 1]] Howard

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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen &c
Hd. Qrs. Asst. Commissioner
Raleigh N.C Dec. 18" 1865

Mann  Maj. 


It has been reported to me that the Bureau has [[underlined]] two heads [[/underlined]] in Wilmington;  & I see, on refering to the order assigning you to that post that a portion intended was omitted.  As Asst. Fincl Agt. you are to report to the Chief Fincl. Agent at New Berne, Capt. Seely.  But as A.Q.M. you are under the command of Maj. Wickersham Supt. of the Southern District.  I was not aware of the anomalous position in which you were placed by your orders, until quite recently.

Very Respectfully
E. Whittlesey
Col. and Asst. Commissioner

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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen &c
Hd. Qrs. Asst. Commissioner
Raleigh N.C Dec. 19" 1865

Thomas  Will Geo. Esq.


Your petition for rents was forwarded to Maj. Genl. O.O. Howard for instructions.
I have no reason to believe that such rents will be paid in any instance.  Many loyal men have lost their whole propety by the war, and they are content with the result.

Very Respectfully
E. Whittlesey
Col. and Asst. Commissioner

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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen &c
Hd. Qrs. Asst. Commissioner
Raleigh N.C Dec. 21" 1865

Seely  Capt.


One thousand copies of the Apprenticeship Indenture will be sufficient for the present.  The contract is of very little use.  Circumstances differ so much, that a written instrument is in most cases necessary.
There should be a charge of every indenture of about 50 cents.
I have as you will see by papers returned to you, made application for the Hospital Ward named in your letter, & Gen. Ruger sent the application to Col. Wheeler, for his endorsement thereon.  You can make some arrangements I think with Col. Wheeler, so as not to be obliged to move our clothing.

Very Respectfully
E. Whittlesey
Col. and Asst. Commissioner

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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen &c
Hd. Qrs. Asst. Commissioner
Raleigh N.C Dec. 22" 1865

Woodhull  Max Col.


I have the honor to enclose a copy of an order received this morning by Capt. Almy C.S.
Capt. A. is, in addition to his duties as Chf. C.S. in the Bureau, Asst. Supt. of this Sub Dist., and has all that he can do every day from morning till night.
I see no way of retaining him if the enclosed order must be obeyed.  Your letter of Dec. 9" seems to settle the question against me.  But I regret much to loose a good officer, and run a risk of getting a poor one in his place.  You will see by another paper enclosed, that some who have been detailed have proved more than worthless.

Very Respectfully
E. Whittlesey
Col. and Asst. Commissioner


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