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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen &c
Hd. Qr. Asst. Commissioner
Raleigh N.C. Apl. 6", 1866.

Howard  Maj. Genl. O.O.
Commissioner &c.


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of blank forms for arrears of pay & bounty.
Are these forms as referred to in the instructions of the Paymaster Genl. - Par. 16.

I am Sir
Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Srvt.

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Col. and Asst. Commissioner


Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen &c
Hd. Qr. Asst. Commissioner
Raleigh N.C. Apl. 6", 1866.

Seely  F.A. Capt.
Supt. &c.


I am directed by the Asst. Commissioner to request that you return the blank for transportation that was given to Lieut. Stevenson, as an account of all these blanks must be rendered to the Comssr.
I forward today Forms for arrears of pay & bounty - please acknowledge receipt.

Very Respectfully
Fred H. Beecher
2" Lieut. 3" Inf. and A.A.A. Genl.

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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen &c
Hd. Qr. Asst. Commissioner
Raleigh N.C. April 7", 1866.

Fowle  Dan'l G. Esq.
Judge Superior Court of Law


Your communication of the 5" inst. was received last evening.  I regret that it is not consistent with you duty to express an opinion upon the question propounded in my note as to the admission of negro testimony against white persons, for were the uncertainty on this point removed, I could suggest to the Commissioner of this Bureau, such changes in the orders under which we now act, as might possibly lead to satisfactory settlement of the question of jurisdiction.  I trust an occasion may soon be given for a judicial decision which will leave no doubt as to the Status of the negro.
It does not become me to enter into any discussion of the character of Military tribunals established by the U.S. Government, as I am no more responsible for their existence than I am for the condition of the country where their jurisdiction has been deemed necessary.
Thanking you for your patience and courtesy, & sorry to have given you so much trouble.

I remain yours
Very Respectfully
E. Whittlesey
Asst. Commissioner

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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen &c
Hd. Qr. Asst. Commissioner
Raleigh N.C. April 7", 1866.

Howard  Maj. Genl. O.O.
Commissioner &c.


I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of blank forms for "Applications of brothers & sisters for Arrears of pay & bounty & other allowances.

I am Sir
Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Srvt.
E. Whittlesey
Col. and Asst. Commissioner

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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen &c
Hd. Qr. Asst. Commissioner
Raleigh N.C. April 7", 1866.

Worth  Gov.
His Excellency


I have the honor to enclose, as a reply to your note of this date, my Circular No.1. Current Series, which contains all the instructions issued from these Head Qrs. on the subject.
In the case alluded to, I think Capt. Seely must be mistaken in supposing that Negro testimony would not be by law admitted.  If he is correct, & knows that a person is to be put on trial without the right to introduce witnesses for his defence, the Capt. is justified in interfereing and in calling upon the Military authorities to assist him.  But I do not apprehend that any such cause for interference exists.  I shall write at once to Capt. Seely, & direct him to report the facts in the case.

Very Respectfully
E. Whittlesey
Asst. Commissioner

See L.F. - W.169.

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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen &c
Hd. Qr. Asst. Commissioner
Raleigh N.C. Apr. 9", 1866.

Rutherford  Lt. Col. Allan
Supt. So. Dist.


It will be impossible to furnish an Adjt. for each office, nor is one needed.  The work at Wilmington is no greater than at every other place in the State.  As to the place where the business of the Sub. Dist. is done, I need say nothing.  You are competent to change the office as the interests of the Bureau require.

Very Respectfully
E. Whittlesey
Asst. Commissioner

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