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Bureau Refugees Freedmen &c.
Hd. Qrs. Asst. Commissioner
Raleigh, N.C. May 14" 1866.

Rusling  Bvt. Brig. Genl. Jas. F.
Inspector Q.M. Dept.


In reply to your communication dated May 10" I have the honor to report that the total number of persons to whom rations were issued through the Bureau was in
January  6819
February  6149
March  5869
April  4681
Of this number only 13 are classed as "White Loyal Refugees";  other destitute whites having been supplied if at all, by orders of Dept. Comdr.
Rations issued in January  111,576
[[dittos for Rations issued in]] February  105,480
[[dittos for Rations issued in]] March  94,562
[[dittos for Rations issued in]] April  72,207
The estimated population of North Carolina is
Whites  600,000
Coloreds  350,000

Very Respectfully
E. Whittlesey
Asst. Comssr.

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Bureau Refugees Freedmen &c.
Hd. Qrs. Asst. Commissioner
Raleigh, N.C. May 16" 1866.

Campbell  Bvt. Brig. Genl. J.A.
A.A. Genl. Dept. of N.C.


I have seen in the N.Y. Herald of May 12", the official report of Maj. Genl. James B. Steedman & Brig. Genl. J.S. Fullerton upon the affairs of the Freedmen's Bureau, which contains serious charges against my private character and official conduct.  I have the honor therefore to request that a Court of Inquiry be appointed to investigate and report upon these allegations.

Very Respectfully
E. Whittlesey
Bvt. Brig. Genl. and Asst. Com'r.

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Bureau Refugees Freedmen &c.
Hd. Qrs. Asst. Commissioner
Raleigh, N.C. May 18" 1866.

Thomas  Wm. Geo. Esq.
Wilmington N.C.


Your communication of the 15 inst. to Genl. Whittlesey is just rec'd.  
Your original application for restoration of certain rents addressed to these Headqrs. Nov. 14" 1865 was duly forwarded as appears by the Records in this Office on Nov. 17", 1865 to Maj. Genl. O.O. Howard War Dept. D.C. for instructions.
On Nov. 28" 1865 Genl. Howard's decision in your case was returned to you through Bvt. Maj. J.C. Mann at Wilmington.
That decision was that no proof of non-abandonment appeared in your papers & "no circumstances are stated from which to infer it" therefore that the rent could not be restored?
An order on file in this office from the War Dept. dated Sept. 29" 1865 in letter form- says,
"When rents have accrued & been paid into the Bureau the Claimant must be left to his legal remedy, if any exists, for them -"
The Commanding officer of the Bureau in this State has therefore no power in the premises.

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt. Svt.
1" Lieut. and Adjt. 7" Regt. Vet. Res. Corps. and Act. Asst. Adjt. Genl.

See L.R. - T.39. 

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Bureau Refugees Freedmen &c.
Hd. Qrs. Asst. Commissioner
Raleigh, N.C. May 19" 1866.

Faucett  W.N. Esq.

Dear Sir

In the case of the minor bound to you with the consent of his parents in 1856, my opinion is that you have the control of him during his minority, treating him as the law requires a white apprentice be treated.
In the other case, I think the man is free, as it is hardly to be supposed that a free white man could have made such a contract.
Still it is a case for the Courts to decide & not for this Bureau.

Very Respectfully
E. Whittlesey
Brig. Genl. and Asst. Comssr.

See L.R. - F.32 

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