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to the house, & he drew his knife, doubled it up in his hand, & beat me in the face, he then said "Go on to Lieut. Foote's, I'll let you know if you stay on my place, & don't work that I'll put licks on you that you will feel." -  I went to Lieut. Foote, who heard the case & fined Long $5.00 for beating me.  Lieut. Foote also told Long that if I didn't pick cotton when I was ordered that it would be right to beat me.
When the child was bound my husband told Lieut. Foote that he could support & educate her." -

The woman wishes her child restored - Lieut. Foote refuses to do so.  This statement will be forwarded to Lt. Foote & a full report made.  The Indentures in this case will be forwarded to these Hd. Qrs.

By Comd. of
Bvt. Maj. Genl. Robinson
Clinton A. Cilley
A.A. Genl.

[[footnote 1]] Brady

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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c.
Hd. Qrs. Asst. Commissioner
Raleigh, N.C. July 3", 1866.

Moore  Lieut. Col. Stephen
Supt. West. Dist.


For the case of Dr. Wm. R. Holt, the Asst. Comr. desires that you allow him to the Fifteenth of July to settle, instead of the Fifth.

I am, Col.
Very respectfully
Clinton A. Cilley
A.A. Genl.

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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c.
Hd. Qrs. Asst. Commissioner
Raleigh, N.C. July 3", 1866.

Moore  Col. Stephen
Supt. West. Dist. N.C.


I am directed by the Assistant Comr. to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 2" July 1866, & in reply to state that he does not consider it expedient to make any change in his late orders regarding the Asst. Supts. at Lincolnton & Charlotte.  He wishes Capt. Shaffer to proceed to Lincolnton as heretofore directed.

I am, Col.
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt. Servant.
Clinton A. Cilley
A.A. Genl.

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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c.
Hd. Qrs. Asst. Commissioner
Raleigh, N.C. July 3", 1866.

Camp  Capt. Henry
Asst. Supt.


In returning this act. not approved, I am directed by the Asst. Comr. to say that he cannot approve an act. for meals and lodging for an officer - & to call your attention to the charge for a lounge, which is not allowed.
The remainder of the act. will be approved.

Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Srvt.
Clinton A. Cilley
A.A. Genl.

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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c.
Hd. Qrs. Asst. Commissioner
Raleigh, N.C. July 3", 1866.

Moore  Col. S.
Supt. Dist. W.N.C.


I am directed by the Asst. Comr. to positively order you to endorse on all papers forwarded to you requiring the affirmative or negative action of the Asst. Comr. your approval or disapproval thereof.

I am, Colonel
Very respectfully
Your Obdt. Srvt.
Clinton A. Cilley
A.A. Genl.

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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c.
Hd. Qrs. Asst. Commissioner
Raleigh, N.C. July 3", 1866.

Rutherford  B.B. Genl. Allan
Supt. So. Dist.


Referring to letter from these Hd. Qrs. of date June 27" which required you to ascertain positively whether the Civil Authorities would or would not do any thing for the redress of Geo. Moore, Colored, I am now directed by the Asst. Comr. to instruct you to make a personal complaint to the Civil Authorities in this case, & call on them for the punishment of the parties to the outrage - reporting your action & their own to these Hd. Qrs. without delay.

I am, General
Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servant.
Clinton A. Cilley
A.A. Genl.