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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen &c.
Head Qrs. Asst. Commissioner
Raleigh N.C. Oct 15th 1866

Howard  Maj. Gen'l. O.O.
Commissioner &c.


I have the honor herewith to transmit report as called for by your communication of Aug. 17th ulto. relative to all property formerly belonging to the late so called Confederate States;  and now in possession of this Bureau.
I beg leave to state, that considerable delay has occurred in preparing this report, owing to the fact of the great length of time required in procuring proper data, and the necessity of a personal inspection of the various properties by the Quarter Master, who in addition to his duties as such, has been Judge Advocate of a General Court Martial, from which however he has now been relieved.

I have the honor to remain
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
J.V. Bomford
Col. 8th U.S. Infantry
Act. Asst. Com'r.

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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen &c.
Head Qrs. Asst. Commissioner
Raleigh N.C. Oct 15" 1866

Rutherford  Allan Bvt. Brig. Genl.
Supt So. Dist. N.C.


I am directed by the Actg. Asst. Comr. to transmit herewith the enclosed copy of a communication from the Commissioner in relation to furnishing rations to destitute freedmen and refugees, for your information and guidance.  [[Footnote 1]]

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
Jacob F. Chur
Capt and A.A.A. Gen'l.

[[Footnote 1]]  Copy sent to Lieut. Col. Stephen Moore Supt. E. Dis.

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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen &c.
Head Qrs. Asst. Commissioner
Raleigh N.C. Oct 16th 1866

Rutherford  Allan Bvt. Brig. Gen'l.
Supt. So. District


Your communication of the 9th inst. addressed to Capt. Frank 8th U.S. Infantry Cmdg Post Wilmington N.C. requesting a guard to take from Daniel Skipper a colored boy unlawfully held, has been referred to Military Head Qrs. for instructions, and has been returned with endorsement.
The Actg. Asst. Commissioner directs me to say, that the use of military in the case mentioned in that communication is not deemed by him advisable without an examination of the subject at these Head Qrs. and you are therefore requested to furnish this office with a full report of all the facts and material circumstances connected with it, that so important a difference between the Civil Courts and the Freedmens Bureau may be properly understood and reconciled if possible.
It is expected in future that all important cases admitting delay, and especially where there is difference of opinion or collision between the Freedmens Bureau and the civil courts will be referred to these Head Qrs. before applying for military force.

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
Jacob F. Chur
Capt and A.A.A. Gen'l.

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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen &c.
Head Qrs. Asst. Commissioner
Raleigh N.C. Oct 20"/66

Edie  Jno. R. Bvt. Col.
Supt. W. Dist. N.C.


I am directed by the Asst. Commmissioner to request you to prepare the buildings into which the Hospital is to be transferred, with as little delay as possible for the reception of the sick.  Use all the means at your command for this purpose, application has been made for authority to repair it thoroughly

Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
Jacob F. Chur
Capt and A.A.A. Gen'l.

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