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as apprentices whether said children be white or colored"  It was on this ground alone the case in question was interfered with.  My endorsement on the report of Col Rutherford, Supt of the Southern District was to the effect, 
"The Civil Courts will not be allowed to make any distinction between Whites and Blacks in the apprenticing of children.  No child whose parents are able or willing to support it can be bound without the consent of the parents.  Children over fourteen years of age will not be bound out as apprentices under any circumstances, Colonel Rutherford will see that above rules are strictly carried out, and will at once cancel all indentures not made in conformity therewith" –
With regard to Daniel L. Russell from the reports I receive & his own letters that I have read, I consider him a designing & unscrupulous man 
This is not the first time his name and acts have occupied the attention of myself and subordinates
In the case refered to Mr. Russell seizes with violent hands, children (one of them sixteen years old) living with their parents who support them, carries them off, the court binds them, they are thrown into prison for safe keeping and then carried to his home, he asked to restore them, he refuses and threatens the vengeance of the Court, the court of which he is a member, and which court binds to him these Kidnapped Children.  Is not this a case where discrimination is made and that too, greatly predudicial to the Colored people and their children?  It looks to me like a re-establishment of Slavery under the mild name of apprenticeship

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Your Excellency states "If the court transcends its jurisdiction, the binding would be void without any act of cancellation by your Bureau" but you do not inform me how these children can be restored to their parents –
Feeling in my own mind, that this is a case where I must interfere and where the Civil Courts do not carry out your Excellency's theory, I have given directions to Col Rutherford to obtain possession of the children and restore them to their parents
My anxious desire is to avoid any conflict with Civil Authorities, but my duty as guardian of the rights guaranteed to the freed-people oblige me to sustain the action of Col Rutherford who cancelled the indentures, the Court having transcended its Authority
I do claim the right to so judge & the right to take away the parties so held.

I have the honor to be
Very respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
Jno. C. Robinson
Bt Maj. Gen'l
Assistant Commissioner

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