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in my own hands, when justice is impartially administered and all are equal before the law, nothing more can be desired, and there will be no interferences on my part.  When however I have reason to believe that injustice is done to the humblest freedman it becomes my duty to protect him and I shall not hesitate to use the powers delegated to me for that purpose.
Your Excellency is pleased to say that my order in the Russell case, "Substantially declares that our (your) Courts shall not bind any minor child of color"  My order does not I think admit of this construction and I cannot understand how your Excellency came to such conclusion.  Many children have been bound out by the Officers of this Bureau and by the County Courts, boys until the age of twenty one and girls until they become eighteen.  My order that none over fourteen years of age shall be indentured, is in accordance with instructions on file in this office.  I have also been informed that this was in accordance with the State laws relating to the apprenticing of Whit Children.  If such is not the case the order may be modified.
Your Excellency makes the singular ascertion that I claim for myself and subordinates the right to disregard your laws and cancel their decision upon [[underlined]] ex-parte [[/underlined]] evidence.  This I most respectfully deny, and I believe no act of mine can be pointed at to justify this opinion.
As your Excellency expresses a desire for a conference it will afford me much pleasure to meet you at any time you may designate either at the Executive Chamber or at these Head Quarters.

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I have the honor to be
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
Jno. C. Robinson
Bt Maj General U.S.A.
Assistant Commissioner

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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen &c.
Hd Qrs Asst Commissioner
Raleigh N.C. Nov 5th 1866

Dillon  Richard Captain
Asst Superintendent
Beaufort N.C.


Your endorsement of 26th ult. upon communication in relation to the anticipated binding of [[?Kenns]] Marshalls children is received.
Although the Civil Courts are given powers formerly held by the Bureau by virtue of G.O. No 3, C.S. from these Hd Qrs it is still the duty of the officers of the Bureau to exercise a guardianship of the interests of freed peoples, and any legislation on the part of Civil Courts where a discrimination is made to the prejudice of Colored people cannot be allowed.  The same law governing the binding of white children, will govern the indenturing of Col'd children.  Any cases in violation of this law will be reported to these Head Quarters.

By order of Bt Maj Genl J.C. Robinson
Jacob F. Chur
Captain and A.A.A. Gen'l.

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