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The requisitions for separate posts may be consolidated when two or more can be supplied from the same depot, but requisitions from Agents who will be supplied from different depots should not be consolidated on the same return.
It is believed that many cases of destitution can be adequately relieved by the issue of a partial ration.  Children under 14 in no case receive more than the 1/2 ration.
The Asst Commissioner directs that ^ [[insertion]] the [[/insertion]] Agent[[strikethrough]] s [[/strikethrough]] at Anson County should give immediate attention to the condition of things there much suffering being reported and that you will instruct all your Officers and Agents to take measures in accordance with existing orders for the earliest practicable relief of necessitious persons within their jurisdiction.
Your attention is particularly called to Paragraphs VII, VII[[strikethrough]] I [[/strikethrough]], IX, of Article V of the Officers Manual being the points upon which your officers and Agents should be particularly instructed. 
The forms alluded to will be furnished as soon as they can be procured.  Meanwhile the Asst Commissioner directs that you furnish models of them to all officers and Agents receiving rations for issue with instructions that no issue be made except in accordance with orders and on receipt agreeably to Paragraph[[strikethrough]] s [[/strikethrough]] VII

I remain Colonel
Very respectfully
Your Obdt Servant
F A Seely
Bt Maj & A.Q.M.
Act Inspector

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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c
Hd Qrs Asst Commission
Raleigh N.C. Jan 19th 1867

Howard Maj Genl O.O.
Washington D.C.


I have the honor to invite your attention to the requirements of Article V of Bureau Officers Manual lately issued especially to Paragraph VII requiring a receipt from each person or head of family to whom provisions are issued and which it is apparent will be a very serious obstacle to affording with any expedition the relief the Government designs to give and in many cases will render it impracticable.  [[Footnote 1]] 
Many of these cases however where the parties requiring assistance live at a distance from any Agent of the Bureau can be reached through the medium of benevolent citizens the Wardens of the poor or other State or local Agencies in which I have reason to believe confidence might be placed and whose receipts might in such cases afford a reasonable guarantee that the Supplies furnished were justly appropriated.  I would therefore respectfully request that in some of these cases I may have discretion allowed me to dispense with these individual receipts believing the beneficent purposes of the Government will be thus furthered.  I would respectully request to be informed whether the Blank Forms Nos. 62, 63 & 64 will be furnished from Washington or whether it will be necessary to have them printed here.  A supply of them is needed as early as possible.

I have the honor to remain General
Very respectfully
Your Obdt servant
JV Bomford
Col 8th US Inftry Act Asst Comr

[[Footnote 1]] Retd Feb 9th 1867 and filed in this office