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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c
Hd Qrs Asst Commissioner
Raleigh NC Jan 23rd 1867

Edie Col J.R.
Supt Western District
Salisbury N.C.


I have the honor to return herewith the applications of James M. Taylor, J.F. Maginnis, E. P. Wilson, Son M. Gana and Elisia Whitaker destitute whites for transportation from Charlotte N.C. to Brenham Texas.  In reply to a communication from these Hd Qrs recommending that this transportation be granted the following instructions have been received from the Commissioner at Washington–  "In applications for transportation "of white refugees it should appear affirmatively "on the face of the application over the signature "of an officer of the Bureau, 1st That the "Applicants are [[underlined]] loyal refugees [[/underlined]]  2nd That they "are now dependent upon the Government for "support or liable to become so in the immediate "future,  3rd The name and place of residence of "of the persons from whom employment is expected "or promised at the place of destination as "Contemplated by the last paragraph of Circular "No 1 Jan 2nd 1867.  The object of the Govt "in granting transportation is not to aid "people in bettering their Condition but to "relieve itself of their support and [[underlined]] incidentally [[/underlined]] "to aid them.  To grant transportation where "there is uncertainty as to the applicants finding "employment at the place of destination involves "a risk which the Commissioner does not feel "willing to take under the Authority providing "for such transportation.  A Copy of the Circular referred to was sent you yesterday

By order of the acting assistant Comr
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
F A Seely
Bt Maj & A A A Gen'l

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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c
Hd Qrs Asst Commissioner
Raleigh NC Jan 23rd 1867

Mower Bt Maj Gen. J.A.
Asst Commissioner
State of Louisiana


In reply to your communication of the 14th inst inquiring if there is any surplus labor in this State and if so the locality where it may be found.  I have the honor to inform you that freedmen are congregated in considerable numbers at Wilmington New Berne & Roanoke Island where the demand for labor is limited.  I am not prepared however to assert positively that in the State as a whole there is any surplus labor

Very respectfully General
Your Obdt Servant
J.V. Bomford
Col 8th US Inft Act Asst Comr

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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c
Hd Qrs Asst Commissioner
Raleigh NC Jan 24th 1867

Edie Col J.R.
Supt Western District
Salisbury N.C.


I am directed by the acting Asst Commissioner to return the enclosed bond of W.J. Mills & others which it is believed will be hardly satisfactory.  It is remarkable that Mr. [[Chenns?]] name is omitted that the bond is made to the Asst Comr of [[underlined]] Mississippi [[/underlined]] and that while Mr. [[Chenns?]] desires the freedmen transported to Arkansas and contracts to employ them there he only engages to take them to Mississippi.  Possibly all these things are capable of reasonable explanation but without this it is not considered expedient to forward the papers to the Commissioner when these peculiarities would inevitably exact remarks and cause others to be returned

Very respectfully
Your Obdt Sevt
F A Seely
Bt Maj & A A A Gen'l

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