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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c
Hd Qrs Asst Commissioner
Raleigh N.C.  Feb 12th 1867

Clows J.W.  Capt
A.A.A. Genl
Charleston S.C.


I have the honor to transmit herewith Report of Rations issued in this State for ten days ending Feb 10th 1867.  No rations were issued to the destitute in the Southern District during the time covered by the above report owing to an insufficient supply in the hands of the Post Commissary at Wilmington this will explain the small issue reported and account for corresponding increase in next report.

Very respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
J.V. Bomford
Col 8th US Infty Acting Asst Comr

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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c
Hd Qrs Asst Commissioner
Raleigh N.C.  Feb 12th 1867

Clows  J.W. Capt
Charleston S.C.


I have the honor to enclose a leave of Absence for Bt Brg Genl Robt Avery with the following explanation.  When Genl Avery went north to appear before "Examination Board" a leave of absence as above was promised him to take effect on completion of his official duties in Washington.  Since then charges against Lieut J.H. Griggs 37th USCT have been received and in view of the probable desire of the Comdg Genl to have the case speedily tried the leave is forwarded for this action.  The charges against Lieut Griggs will be forwarded at once from the Wil Hd Qrs 

I have the honor to remain
Very respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
J.V. Bomford
Col 8th US Infty Acting Asst Comr

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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c
Hd Qrs Asst Commissioner
Raleigh N.C.  Feb 12th 1867

Doherty  Wm H.
Agent B.R.F. & A.L.
Elizabeth City  N.C.


Your communication of Jan 31st covering a report of operations for that month addressed to Maj Genl O.O. Howard & forwarded directly by you has been referred back to these Hd Qrs - your action in so doing being in violation of regulations.
The Asst Commissioner directs me to say that he can hardly believe that the repetition of a disregard of the rules governing correspondence was wilful and therefore passes your action on this occasion with this slight notice but you are assured that future violations upon this matter will lead to serious results as you have been cautioned more than once in similar cases.

Very respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
Jacob F. Chur.
Bt Lt Col & A.A.A. General

Col Stephen Moore

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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c
Hd Qrs Asst Commissioner
Raleigh N.C.  Feb 12th 1867

Asst Comr of Miss
Jackson Miss


I have the honor to transmit herewith in pursuance of requirements of the Bureau the enclosed documents.
1  Contract (duplicate copies) of Jerry Robinson of Tallahatchie Co Miss with William Todd and others freedmen
2nd  List of said freedmen for whom transportation has been furnished
3rd  Bond of Said Robinson and Wm J. Hawking of Raleigh to Maj Genl O.O. Howard Comr required to comply with Paragraph 4 Section 1 Article VI Bureau Office Manual.
4th  Copies of transportation orders and of the order of the Commissioner authorizing its issue.

Very respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
J.V. Bomford
Col 8th US Infty Acting Asst Comr