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[[preprinted]] 286 [[/preprinted]]

Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c
Hd Qrs Asst Commissioner
Raleigh N.C.  Feb 18th 1867

Worth  Jonathan
Governor of N.C.


Respectfully calling your attention to the communication of Edwd Bright Esq Cor Sec of the Southern Relief Commission of New York in which I was informed that a supply of corn for the relief of the needy was to be shipped from New York under our joint direction and concerning which I had the honor of consulting your Excellency on the 15th inst  I have the honor to transmit herewith a revised Roster of the Officers & Agents of the Bureau together with a rough Skeleton map of the State showing the points at which they are stationed
These will indicate clearly at what localities I will be able to co-operate with you in distributing this well timed relief in case I should receive authority from Washington in answer to enquiries I have made which may permit me to furnish transportation of the supplies to the points where they are most needed

I have the honor to remain
With great respect
Your Excellencys Obdt Servt
J.V. Bomford.
Col 8th US Infty Acting Asst Comr

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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c
Hd Qrs Asst Commissioner
Raleigh N.C.  Feb 18th 1867

Hogan  Bt Lt Col M.K.
Surgeon in Chief


I am directed to invite your attention to enclosed Circular letter from Maj Genl Howard in relation to furnishing horses to Contract Surgeons and to request from you a report as called for in last paragraph of said letter.

I am Col
Very respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
Jacob F. Chur.
Bt Lt Col & A.A.A. General

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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c
Hd Qrs Asst Commissioner
Raleigh N.C.  Feb 19th 1867

Coats  Lt Andrew
Asst Supt
New Berne N.C.


By direction of the Act Asst Comr I herewith enclose certificates of 2nd Auditor as follows
[[footnote 1]]
: Names |:Rank |:Co |:Regiment |:No of Certificate |:Amt of Certificate
Geo Boone | Corpl | C | 14th US C.A.Hy | 287,890 | $200.00
Jno Martin | Pvt | A | " " " [[dittos for: 14th US C.A.Hy]] | 288,666 | 200.00
Henry Wiggins | " [[ditto for: Pvt]] | " [[ditto for: A]] | " " " [[dittos for: 14th US C.A.Hy]] | 288,665 | 200.00
Mathew Walden | Corpl | C | " " " [[dittos for: 14th US C.A.Hy]] | 288,661 | 200.00
Abner Sears | Pvt | D | " " " [[dittos for: 14th US C.A.Hy]] | 288,667 | 300.00
Benj Starkey | 1st Sgt | K | " " " [[dittos for: 14th US C.A.Hy]] | 288,663 | 200.00
Isaac Carter | Sgt | G | " " " [[dittos for: 14th US C.A.Hy]] | 288,664 | 160.00

Also the discharges of the above named men are transmitted.  Claims for above were prepared and forwarded by you
Please acknowledge receipt

Very respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
Jacob F. Chur.
Bt Lt Col & A.A.A. General

[[footnote 1]] Receipt acknowledged
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Transcription Notes:
In the table the regiment is the US Colored Heavy Artillery Reviewed. Made minor corrections to ditto markup in line with Transcription Center advice. -@siobhanleachman 287, top letter - changed "Central" to "Contract" @poorhorse