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In the matter of apprenticing colored children it is confidently expected that the numerous attending difficulties and abuses will in future be avoided.  The recent decision of the Supreme Court of this State as to the illegality of a large number of such indentures will have a tendency to correct the evil of indiscriminate binding and afford protection to the freedpeople in the premises.  All Officers and Agents are instructed to bring all cases of binding where the laws have not been strictly carried out to the attention of the County Courts of their respective districts for the purpose of cancellation under Supreme Court opinion.
The work of breaking up Settlements of freedpeople under charge of Bureau is progressing favorably and in a very short time the Government will be relieved of a very onerous burden.
The Educational branch of the Bureau continues to show gratifying results on the 31st of January there were in operation 130 Schools with 134 teachers and 9961 pupils being a gain of 12 Schools and 288 pupils since Dec 31st 1866. -  No arrests were made by the Bureau and no outrages reported.

The following extract from the report of the Surgeon in Chief will give a summary of workings of the Hospitals.
Under treatment during the month  1020
Discharged  524
Died  32
Remaining under treatment Jan 31st  470
Ratio per 1000 of deaths during month  31.188

The following disbursements were made during the month
Salaries $1612.47
Medical Dept 2893.49
School Depts 145.00
Telegraphing 205.76
Commissary Stores 5.50
Quarters & [[Food?]] 944.17
Transportation 330.56
Repairs of Schools &c 30.00
Clothing for Destitute 378.00
R. & F. Fund 258.57
Total $6805.32

I have the honor to remain
Very respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
J.V. Bomford
Col 8th US Infty Acting Asst Comr

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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c
Hd Qrs Asst Commissioner
Raleigh N.C.  Feb 21st 1867

Howard  Maj Genl O.O.
Washington D.C.


I have the honor to report that the Officers and Agents of this Bureau are in many instances unsupplied with Copy of Officers Manual and in consequence are not familiar with many regulations therein laid down and rendering it impossible for me to make required reports.  I respectfully request that I may be supplied with a number to enable me to furnish those not provided.

I am General
Very respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
J.V. Bomford
Col 8th US Infty Acting Asst Comr

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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c
Hd Qrs Asst Commissioner
Raleigh N.C.  Feb 21st 1867

Clows Capt J.W.
Charleston S.C.


I have the honor to transmit report of rations issued to Refugees & Freedmen in this State during the ten days ending Feb 20th 1867

Very respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
J.V. Bomford
Col 8th US Infty Acting Asst Comr

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