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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c
Hd Qrs Asst Commissioner
Raleigh N.C. Mar 11th 1867

Edie Col J.R.
Supt West Dist
Salisbury N.C.


I am directed by the Act Asst Comr to enclose orders for transportation from Charlotte N.C. to Terrebonne Parish La for Philip Keith 42 adults & 5 children under 12 years furnished on application of Mr. D. T. Towle – also for Wm Collins 28 adults & 2 children from Concord N.C. to Jackson Tenn. on application of T.L. Ritch.  This transportation will be delivered to the respective parties on their compliance with Par 4 of Reg covering this class of transportation.  Contracts for delivery to both parties are also enclosed

Very respectfully
Your obdt servt
Jacob F. Chur
Bt Lt Col A A A Gen'l

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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c
Hd Qrs Asst Commissioner
Raleigh N.C. Mar 11th 1867

Howard  Maj Genl O.O.
Washington D.C.


I have the honor to return herewith papers of Mr. John Jamison referring application of Dr. Lewis Miller of Kinston N.C. for assistance in carrying out his "Colonization Scheme" with remarks as requested in your endorsement of Jan 19th upon the same.  Owing to the continued illness of the officer on duty at Kinston of which I was not aware, a considerable delay in reporting has occurred but I am satisfied that no injustice has resulted therefrom.
Attention is invited to accompaning letter from Bt Maj H.H. Foster whose views are considered to be well taken.  Due publicity by Circulars and through the press was given to the Circular from Bureau granting certain privileges to Refugees & Freedmen under the "Homestead Act" and at Kinston as the Hd Qrs of a Sub District all

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information could have been obtained had there been at any time a bona fida desire to emigrate.  Again Lenor County has not called for any assistance neither has there been any complaint from freedmen of a want of protection under the Civil laws – thus showing a healthy state of society in that County.  Further, engagements having been entered into for the ensuing year so large a body of the working element could not be removed without great detriment to the community generally-
These facts alone I feel would be of sufficient weight for a disapproval of the "Scheme" but go yet a little further and examine the animus of the projector.
A careful perusal of the enclosed letter of Mr. Miller cannot but satisfy that the great end to be accomplished is not so much to benefit the freedmen but is to acquire wealth, I cannot but feel that to this end and no other are his energies applied-  This being the case what guarantee is there that those who it is alleged are so blindly attached to this scheme will not be the losers.  In an important movement like this would be it is very improbable that any steps would be taken by the freedmen without Consulting a Bureau Officer and it is therefore fair to suppose that such procedure has been frowned upon by the master spirit or else the "Scheme" is a myth.  In view of all the facts as they appear I cannot but express my decided disapproval of any further action by the Government in this matter.

I have the honor to remain
Very respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
J.V. Bomford
Col 8th US Infty Acting Asst Comr

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Transcription Notes:
Added missing word -@siobhanleachman