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in Communication of the 4th inst be taken until new arrangements are completed
The parties alluded to are as follows –
William Frazer for Randolph Co.
H.C. Renegas " [[ditto for: for]] Forsyth " [[ditto for: Co]]
Wm McFarland " [[ditto for: for]] Anson " [[ditto for: Co]]
R.B. Bogle " [[ditto for: for]] Caldwell " [[ditto for: Co]]
Thos Gibbs " [[ditto for: for]] Henderson " [[ditto for: Co]]
Dr A.G. Palmer " [[ditto for: for]] Stanley " [[ditto for: Co]]
W.F. Henderson " [[ditto for: for]] Davidson " [[ditto for: Co]]
H.M. Waugh " [[ditto for: for]] Surrey " [[ditto for: Co]]
Darling Broome " [[ditto for: for]] Union " [[ditto for: Co]]
Levy Hampton " [[ditto for: for]] Yadkin " [[ditto for: Co]]
A. Dilworth " [[ditto for: for]] Guilford " [[ditto for: Co]]

I am General
Very respectfully
Your Obdt Servt

Col 8th US Infty
Acting Asst Commissioner

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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c
Hd Qrs Asst Commissioner
Raleigh N.C. April 6" 1867

Blevins Bt Maj A.W.
Atg Supt
New Berne S.C.


I am directed by the Actg Asst Comr to transmit Special order to proceed to Halifax N.C. and to request you to arrange the difficulties in regard to freedmen under contract with Mr. Little but now working on plantation of Mr. Burgoyne the particulars of which you were apprized of when you were at these Hd Qrs.  You will inform Mr Burgoyne that he is expected to carry out his promise of returning these laborers to Mr. Little at his own expense and to distinctly inform him that any more opposition or interference leading to continual disagreements or that will in anywise prevent their return to their proper employer will be considered as sufficient grounds for action against him and that he will be held responsible for their return to Mr. Little and others who have hired them.  Papers relating to the case are 

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enclosed and Mr Little or his Agent desire you to be informed that either one of them will meet you at Halifax on Tuesday morning.

Very respectfully
Your obdt servt
Jacob F. Chur
Bt Lt Col A A A Genl

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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c
Hd Qrs Asst Commissioner
Raleigh N.C. April 6" 1867

Foster C.H. Esq
Murfreesboro N.C.


The enclosed papers having been referred to these Hd Qrs you are requested to give the residence of the affiant in this case.
It is suggested that hereafter any communications upon business connected with this Bureau that requires attention be sent to the Officer in Charge of the Sub District in which you reside, which as you cannot help be aware is in Murfreesboro thus saving much time and trouble as is evident in the present case
Several communications have been received from you which go through the same channel

By order of the Asst Commissioner
Jacob F. Chur
Bt Lt Col A A A Genl

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