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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c
Hd Qrs Asst Commissioner
Raleigh N.C.  April 8th 1867

Edie  Col Jno R.
Salisbury N.C.


Your of the 6th just received by hands of Lt [[Denees?]].  1700 bushels of corn are intended for Stanley County being 1000 bu from N.Y. and 700 from Philad'a, the N.Y. lot should have been sent to you a month ago but it was delayed at Wilmington.  Mr Palmer has been notified of the additional shipment.

Very respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
Jacob F Chur.
Bt Lt Col A.A.A.G.

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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c
Hd Qrs Asst Commissioner
Raleigh N.C.  July 10th 1867

Howard  Maj Genl O.O.
Washington D.C.


I have the honor to nominate Mr William C. Birnie for appointment as an Agent of this Bureau to be employed at a Salary of One hundred dollars per Month and to be assigned to duty in the Southern District of this State.  [[Footnote 1]]

I am General
Very respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
Col 8th US Infty
Acting Asst Comr

[[Footnote 1]]  Returned Apr 13th 1867 and filed in this office

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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c
Hd Qrs Asst Commissioner
Raleigh N.C.  April 9th 1867

Johnston  Maj Thos P.
Chf Qr Mr
Raleigh N.C.


I am directed by the Acting Asst Comr to request you to ship corn donated by Citizens of Philad'a as follows
150 bushels to Lt Isaac Porter Hillsboro N.C.
150 " " [[dittos for: bushels to]] W.H. Henderson Lexington " [[ditto for: N.C.]]
Also sell 400 bushels of the same retraining the proceeds until further orders

Very respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
Jacob F Chur.
Bt Lt Col A.A.A.G.

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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c
Hd Qrs Asst Commissioner
Raleigh N.C.  April 10th 1867

Porter Lt Isaac
Asst Supt
Hillsboro N.C.


You are hereby notified that 150 bushels of corn donated by Citizens of Philad'a has been ordered to be shipped to you for distribution among destitute in Orange Co without regard to "race politics or religion" under the joint supervision of yourself and J.C. Turrentine Esq.  You will take receipt from parties receiving transmitting the same direct to these Head Quarters.

I am Sir
Very respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
Jacob F Chur.
Bt Lt Col A.A.A.G.

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Transcription Notes:
Reviewed. Edited ditto markup -@siobhanleachman