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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c
Hd Qrs Asst Commissioner
Raleigh N.C.  May 27th 1867

Cox  Lt Wm F.
Magnolia N.C.


The Assistant Commissioner directs that you report in person at once to these Head Quarters [[underlined]] in arrest. [[/underlined]]  A failure on your part to report as above by first conveyance will be considered as a breach of arrest.

Very respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
Jacob F. Chur.
Bt Lt Col A.A.A. Genl

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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c
Hd Qrs Asst Commissioner
Raleigh N.C.  May 28th/67

Smith Edwd R.
Genl Relic  Agt Am Miss Assc
53 John St N.Y.


John Craven (Col'd) of this City presents a letter from you advising him that a box is in your possession and which you desire to be informed as to disposition.  He desires me to say that the same is badly needed and requests it sent forward.  You can obtain transportation for it by application to Maj Genl Howard Commissioner.  If the charges on it already paid cannot be a charge to the Association the amount will be remitted on its arrival.

Very respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
Jacob F. Chur.
Bt Lt Col A.A.A.G.

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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c
Hd Qrs Asst Commissioner
Raleigh N.C.  May 29th 1867

Brogin S.W.
Secty Board of Public Buildgs
Raleigh N.C.


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of extract from proceedings of Board of Public Buildings granting permission to erect school building upon certain State property.  Please convey to the board my thanks for their prompt action and decision upon application.

I am Sir
Very respectfully
Your Obdt Servt

Col & Bt Maj Genl
Asst Commissioner

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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c
Hd Qrs Asst Commissioner
Raleigh N.C.  May 30th 1867

Shaffer  Bt Lt Col A.W.
Asst Supt
Charlotte N.C.


It having been reported that there is great destitution in Union County, and as some unaccountable delay exists in procuring proper requisitions the Asst Commissioner directs that you upon application to you by the Agent of that County you will endeavour to arrange with the Post Commissary so as to supply the want at once and proper requisition will be eventually furnished.

Very respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
Jacob F. Chur
Bt Lt Col A.A.A.G.

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