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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c
Hd Qrs Asst Commissioner
Raleigh N.C.  May 30th 1867

Hay  Lt Thos H.
Asst Supt
Franklinton N.C.


On and after June 1st until further orders, the business of your office will be transacted directly these Headquarters.  [[Footnote 1]]

By order of the Asst Commissioner
Jacob F. Chur.
Bt Lt Col A.A.A.G.

[[Footnote 1]]  Copy sent to Capt Wolf  Lt Thompson  [[ditto for Lt]] Porter

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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c
Hd Qrs Asst Commissioner
Raleigh N.C.  May 30th 1867

Howard  Maj Genl O.O.
Washington D.C.


I have the honor to report that pursuant to authority granted me in your communication of 17th inst appointed Mr Oscar Eastmond (at present Chief Clerk at these Hd Qrs) an Agent of this Bureau [[footnote 1]] at a salary of ($125) per month and further that orders have this day been issued rehiring eleven Agents at a salary of ($25) per month to take effect June 15th prox.  I therefore respectfully request that the appointment of Mr Eastmond as chief clerk be cancelled and a letter of appointment as Agent be issued to date June 1st proximo.  No letters of appointment have been issued to the eleven Agents to be rehired agreeably to suggestions contained in a communication from these Hd Qrs dated April 6th ultimo.

I have the honor to remain
Very respectfully
Your Obdt Servt

Col & Bt Maj Genl
Asst Commissioner

[[footnote 1]] Returned June 4" 1867 and filed in this office

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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c
Hd Qrs Asst Commissioner
Raleigh N.C.  May 31st 1867

Cogswell  Col M
Sub Asst Comr
Fayetteville N.C.


Information having been received at these Head Quarters relative to an alleged assault by Mr M.W. Weld Agt. the Asst Comr requests that you report to these Head Quarters all the circumstances pertaining to the matter whether or not the offence was committed while under influence of liquor.
If Mr Weld has violated any civil laws the Asst Comr will not interfere on his behalf.

I am Colonel
Very respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
Jacob F. Chur
Bt Lt Col A.A.A. Genl

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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c
Hd Qrs Asst Commissioner
Raleigh N.C.  May 31st 1867

Howard  Maj Genl O.O.
Washington D.C.


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of 28th inst (Genl E. Whittlesey) relative to reports of disbursements and issues under Cir 11 Current series Bureau R.F. & A.L. of "Special Relief Fund".
In reply I beg leave to state that no issues were made from this fund during the month of April.  Reports for May will be forwarded as promptly as possible.

I have the honor to remain
Very respectfully
Your Obdt Servt

Col & Bt Maj Genl USA
Asst Commissioner