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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c
Hd Qrs Asst Commissioner
Raleigh N.C.  June 27th 1867

Howard  Maj Genl O.O.
Washington D.C.


I have the honor to report that pursuant to authority granted me in your communicatio of 17th ulto I have appointed Wm MacFarland Esq Agent of this Bureau at a Salary of ($125) per month and have assigned him to duty in the Southern part of the State, and respectfully request a letter of appointment may be so issued.  [[Footnote 1]]  Mr McFarland has heretofore held a position in this Bureau, has served several years in the Volunteer Army and is considered a very suitable person to fill the position.

I am General
Very respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
Col & Bt Maj Genl USA
Asst Commissioner

[[Footnote 1]] Recd back July 3d/67 Filed

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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c
Hd Qrs Asst Commissioner
Raleigh N.C.  June 28th 1867

Bolenius  Bt Maj A.W.
Sub Asst Comr
Greensboro N.C.


I am instructed by the Asst Commissioner to inform you that from reports received it is considered that the issue of rations in your District is greater than it should be.  Until within a period of less than two months the reports of destitution in your section did not warrant so large an issue.  It is a fact well known that whenever an opportunity offers them any many unscrupulous persons who apply for assistance who could by their own exertions support themselves were they thrown upon their own resources, while it is the 

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desire of the Government to relieve actual suffering, it will not allow itself to be imposed upon neither does it desire that such means [[strikethrough]] should [[/strikethrough]] be taken as will make the issue promiscuious.  In certain localities it is reported that the importation of rations has fostered a degree of idleness heretofore unknown.  Again the issue upon recommendations of the community at large is productive of much evil, for persons importuned frequently endorse papers of those applying merely to rid themselves of the suppliant.  The Asst Commissioner desires me to say that you must confine yourself to the allowance of help authorized and by all means in your power check what is growing to be a crying evil.  Under existing circumstances he cannot grant you permission to leave your post. 

Very respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
Jacob F. Chur
Bt Lt Col A.A.A.G.

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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c
Hd Qrs Asst Commissioner
Raleigh N.C.  June 28th 1867

Cogswell  Col M.
Sub Asst Comr
Fayetteville N.C.


In answer to your communication of 23rd inst relative to the donation from the Citizens of Boston, I am directed by the Asst Commissioner to request you to purchase necessaries for the Sick consisting of the following Articles, Flour, Coffee, Brown Sugar, Calico, Brown Sheeting, & Bleached Cotton, to the amount of Three hundred dollars ($300) which will be placed in the hands of the Ladies Committee for destitution to such as come within the provisions of the Circular sent you.  
The Committee will please take such receipts for issue as may enable the Asst Commissioner to account to the Boston Committee how the fund has