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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c
Head Qrs. Asst Commissioner N.C.
Raleigh N.C.  August 3" 1866

Howard  Maj Gen'l O.O.
Commissioner &c


In forwarding my reports for the month of July I have the honor to call your attention to the fact that during this month but 2132 freed persons have been supplied with food by the Govt. being a decrease since the June report of 1233.  Of this number more than one half are children under 14 years of age.  There have been issued this month to Freedmen and Refugees 35,000 1/2 rations at a cost of $6925.64/11 giving since last report a decrease of 4452 rations.

The schools for Freedmen have been mostly discontinued, the teachers having gone North for the Summer.

There are now in operation 17 schools with 19 teachers and 1149 pupils, being a decrease since June of 102 Schools 117 teachers and 7935 pupils.
Quartermaster Stores to the value of $1028.80/100 and Sanitary Stores to the value of $25.00/100 were issued in July.

Surgeon Hogan, chief medical officer of the Bureau being absent absent on a inspection tour, the reports relating to his department cannot be forwarded until his return.

On entering upon my duties in this State, I found several persons on duty as clerks and agents, who had not taken the oath prescribed by original bill establishing the Bureau.  I have caused copies of the oath to be presented to each citizen employee and agent and directed the discharge of all unable or unwilling to take it.  The contract system in the State has generally worked very satisfactorily.  In one Section complaint is made that the employers desire to rid themselves of their laborers now a portion of the crop is gathered;  but, very few complaints are made that the freedmen refuse to comply with their contracts.  The approval of contracts by officers and agents of the Bureau, has had an excellent effect in securing compliance with their provisions.  On the representation of Gov. Worth that there was no discrimination in the administration of the laws, to the prejudice of freed persons, I issued General Orders No."3", a copy of which is herewith forwarded, turning over to the civil authorities all cases where freedmen were concerned, except those arising under the contract system.

Reports have been received from but one Section of

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the State, the western district, in relation to the treatment of freedmen by the civil courts.  It is stated that there, they have been treated with the strictest impartiality.

In order to diminish the number of freedmen on Roanoke Island and near New Bern, I have issued Circular No."8", a copy of which is forwarded herewith.  I have reason to believe, that the plan set forth in this circular will, before winter, cause a large number of persons to provide themselves with homes and employment who would otherwise be dependent upon us during the cold weather.  The demand for labor in some parts of the State, is much greater than the supply, and as soon as planters are notified, where they can obtain laborers, they will avail themselves of the information.

During the month but one case of outrage by a freedman upon a white person, has been reported to me, while no less than 49 cases of assault, whipping, false imprisonment and shooting, in which whites were the assailants, and blacks the sufferers, have been brought to my notice.  The majority of these cases, have been turned over to the civil authorities and in some instances the offenders have been proceeded against with energy;  in others, the civil authorities have taken no action whatever.  Where a sufficient time has elapsed, and no disposition is shown by the civil authorities to punish whites for offences committed against blacks, the provision of General Grants Order No."44" will be strictly complied with and the Guilty parties arrested by military force.

I am General
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
signed Jno C. Robinson
Bvt. Maj. Genl.

Official Copy
Clinton A. Cilley
Bvt. Col. and A.A. Gen'l.